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If I said I remember anything from the trip I'd be lying, too occupied with thoughts of Charlie Gray.

All weekend she'd been teasing me, nothing more than usual but I was painfully aware of every touch, every drag of her hands across my skin and when Monday morning rolled around and the bus pulled into the school lot, I felt positively wound up.

Charlie had slept the entire way back, making a conscious effort to keep her head on my shoulder and not buried in my neck but somewhere on the four hour drive back, her face had made the transition anyway.

I shook her gently to wake her up and she peeked one eye open to look at me after a few seconds.

"We're here" I mumbled softly to her.

She sat up, stretched slightly before standing and extending her hand out to me so we could get off the bus. After retrieving our bags she surveyed the parking lot before beginning to walk off in the direction of her car, her hand still in mine.

She didn't say much, unlocking the car and opening the passenger door for me before rounding to the other side.

After pulling out of the parking lot she glanced over at me.

"Are you going home or do you wanna come over?" Charlie was cool and calm.

"My dad's still at home so I should probably spend some time with him before he leaves again"

She hummed in understanding, one hand on the window sliding through her hair easily and the other tapping away at the steering wheel. 

"Yeah you should, I think I'm gonna go back to sleep when I get home" She mumbled thoughtfully.

We didn't say much after that, the silence comfortable with the radio on in the background.

When the car rolled to a stop outside of my house, Charlie got out, walked around to open my door before getting my bag from the backseat and walking me to my door.

She looked tired, eyes half lidded and concerned swelled up in me.

"Are you sure you don't wanna just sleep here?"

She smiled at me softly.

"I'll be okay Gia, thanks for the offer but I gotta talk to my mom before she leaves" She pulled me towards her, kissing me softly on the lips before wrapping her arms around me in a gentle hug.

"Tell your dad I said hello, bye baby " With a final kiss to my temple she was retreating back to her car. She didn't leave until after I had waved and walked inside.

I hung out with my dad the rest of the day, we went out to get lunch and stopped by a cute little bakery to buy patries and I ended up buying some cupcakes to share with Charlie Gray. When the sun had started to go down my dad looked over at me from his side of the couch.

"Alright you can go" He waved off, rolling his eyes and unpausing the show he was watching.

"What?" I asked.

"You wanna go see Charlie yeah? Go on, I don't leave for a couple more days I'll still be here when you get back tomorrow"

"You sure?" Even if he wasn't, I was too excited to care.

"Yes, you have this look on your face I don't even know how to describe it but whatever it is, it's disgusting" He explained, laughing at the pillow I chucked at him.

"Bye dad" I squeezed him gently before grabbing my car keys and heading out.

When I got to Charlie's, the house was quiet. I used the spare key to get in and grabbed two sprites to wash down the cupcakes.

Charlie Gray was laying spread eagle on her bed, sweatshirt missing but sports bra and sweatpants intact.

She looked good.

She regarded me silently for a moment.

"You gonna stand there all day?" She eased to the edge of the bed with a teasing smirk.

"Hm?" I didn't respond, choosing instead to stand between her legs.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah but now I'm hungry" She stood up suddenly, arms circling my waist.

"I bought cupcakes" I showed her the package in my hand, happy that I bought them.

"You're so sweet and innocent" Charlie flicked my forehead before sitting down and pulling me into her lap.

"Feed one to me" She demanded playfully and I caved.

This shit is 4th in gxg...wtf kinda crack are y'all on to be reading this lmaooo anyways thank you for even clicking on this shit, I appreciate you all.

Vote and comment or whatever because it makes me happy :)

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now