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It'd been two weeks since Charlie Gray and I started working on our project. I'd gotten to the point where i was comfortable just walking into Charlie's Gray's room because half of the time she was too out of it to notice me knocking.

Today was one of those days.

"Charlie Gray?" i called softly.

Yet again, she was cocooned in her sheets and the cold breeze greeted me as soon as i opened the door.

I climbed to sit on the edge of the bed before tapping on her leg.

"Hey" she replied tiredly.

" Is it a bad day today? Should i not have come?" i asked, waiting for her answer.

" Every day's a bad day Gia" she mumbled.

Her breaths were loud in the quiet space and i began to worry.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call your mom?" i pressed.

" I'm fine, just give me a minute" she muttered.

One minute turned into five before she finally pulled the sheet from her head to stare at the ceiling, eyebrows furrowed.

"We don't have to work on the project today Charlie Gray" i spoke.

"Why do you say my name like that?" she asked.

"Like what?" i wondered.

" Like it's a double name"

I was at a loss for words so i just settled on shrugging my shoulders.

" i like it." she said.

A small smile broke and i ducked my head down to cover it.

It was silent for a couple more minutes before she grabbed my hand, pulling me into a laying position.

" Usually i get my mom to lay with me but since she's busy and you're here, you'll do just fine" she hummed.

We didn't talk much after that but i stayed with her until her eyes slipped close and her breathing became shallow. I could never tell the time from inside her room because everything was always bathed in darkness but after a quick glance at my phone, i knew it was time to go.

I pulled the blanket further up her body before grabbing my things and slipping out.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now