Extra pt.4 2 years later

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The October air was frigid as I pushed my way out of the bakery on the way back home after class.

I'd stopped in to get hot chocolate and some sweets to warm up from the cold weather.

"I'm home!" I called out into the apartment, shoving the door closed with my hip and taking off my shoes.

"In the kitchen!" Charlie called back.

Charlie had asked me to move in with her in my second year and had moved cross country so we could be together while I was still in university. Now well into my third year of college, I couldn't imagine not having her here with me.

Charlie was leaning against the counter shirtless, the sound of something on the stove sizzling behind her.

"Hi baby"

She hugged me, pecking me on the lips before coming back for a much longer kiss and then drawing back to look at me.

"How was your day?" She dusted the specks of snow from my hair with a small smile.

"Not bad, I'm just a little cold"

"I'll turn up the heat and then we'll eat these and have a bath together after , sound good?" I nodded and she smiled brightly, kissing me again before letting go to step into the living room to turn up the heat.

"How was practice?" After many months of physical therapy and learning how to train to not overexert herself, charlie was now back to swimming full time.

"Kinda brutal, my muscles hurt" She rolled her shoulders and then palmed the back of her neck slightly.

"Coach is set on gold and she's got me training extra hard to catch up with everyone else on the team, it's just kinda stressful" The roll of her back muscles almost had me drooling but I managed to keep it together.

I drew closer, draping my jacket over a bar stool in favor of giving her a light massage.

"Baby" She moaned, head moving forward to give me  more access to her shoulders.

A happy sigh left her as I kept at it.

And later after we had taken a bath and laid together in bed, Charlie Gray asked me something important.

"How would you feel about watching me swim next year?"

I sat up slightly.

"Are you kidding! I'd love to come watch you swim!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her happily.

She rolled us over, sitting on my hips and laughing.

"Someone's happy" She teased.

"Wouldn't you be? I'm gonna be done with school next year and my girlfriend's gonna be swimming in the Olympics"

"Not yet but I plan to be, qualifiers are set for June and I'm not nearly as fast as I was before but coach thinks I still have a shot"

"I think you have a shot at everything you put your mind to" I kissed her cheek and she looked back at me, a tender smile on her face.

"How'd I get so lucky, hm?"

She leaned forward, hands tilting my head up for kisses.

"I don't know but I'd say god has favorites"


I made an extra extra chapter of Charlie swimming in the Olympics after this one so look out for that tomorrow probably and that's gonna be the last of em.

I'm so excited for this new book I'm gonna start working on really soon but I have to plan stuff out before I actually start writing and I hope you guys will like it. At the same time I need a cover done for it so lmk if you guys know anyone on here that does seggsy covers.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now