Alternate sad ending

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Charlie never did get better, and two summers after I had left for college, she passed.

They buried her in the plot right next to her father. Ms.Gray had moved away after the funeral, I never saw her again.

And every year on the anniversary of Charlie Gray's death , I went swimming. It reminded me to do things while I still could.

"My back stroke is getting better, I wish you could see it" I spoke softly, careful not to disturb the other's resting.

"I still have this" I showed the medal, heart sinking.

" I wish it helped me feel better somehow but I just feel empty and lost"

I sat silently for some more time before setting the flowers I got for her against the headstone and leaving, heart heavy.

Yes this is the third update you're seeing today, I have no patience.

Who's mad about this ending???🤭
I just needed something to activate my sad factor and y'all can keep it moving if you don't like this but I do so suck it up.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now