Time is Flying (Felix POV)

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It's been 6 months since our first group live. It's been almost a year since I've first laid eyes on him. Despite everything that's been going on, we've grown closer. Day by day. We've done tours, photoshoots, our debuts, award shows, etc. We've all been super busy and quite exhausted. We always manage to spend time with each other. It's important we all keep our friendship strong. I can't believe no one suspects anything with Hyunjin and I. We call each other pet names, he literally answers to "baby" each time I say it. I think the other guys think it's an inside joke, given we do share a room. Today and tomorrow are the only days we have this week to rest. Practices have gotten more intense. Everyone wants to do their best at all times.

I sit back and think about what happened the other day. What was it about? Why was he so upset? He's so easily annoyed. It makes me insecure, honestly. He kept his eyes on me the entire time we were at the table.

The entire time we were on the webcam he would shoot me dirty looks when a fan commented "marry me Felix" or "Felix, I love you" and I would reply back. I mean, they're just fans! It's not like I'm going to marry them! He continued to give me death stares until I finally stopped talking in general. He's so terrifying when he's upset. I try my hardest to make sure he's not angry. I can't handle him angry. I'm a submissive man.

I've been in my room for quite some time, I should probably go and shower.

As I gather my thoughts and clothes, I walk towards the door. Of course he'd be coming in now. I don't want to look at him. He's been so irritated lately. I look down at my feet and begin walking around him.

"Turn around. Now." He hisses.

"Great.." I say inside of my head. I turn around, still looking at my feet.

"Look at me now. Don't act shy. I'm not dealing with that" he sternly demands. He has ahold of my wrist, squeezing it tightly until I look up at him.

"I'm going to shower, Hyunjin" I say softly.

"Hyunjin? That's what you're calling me now?" He throws my wrist out of his hand so hard it slams into the torso. "You're ridiculous, Felix" he mockingly says my name.

I whisper a small "okay" and turn around and open the door.

"Close it!" He shouts. Slamming the door from behind me.

He's breathing heavily. He's not happy. His inhaling is deep and quick paced. Almost like a pant. He's breathing so hard that my hair is moving slowly forward as he exhales.

I find myself turned face to face with him. I'm going to speak my mind.

"Do you know how terrible you make me look? I look like I'm going crazy because of you Felix" he looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes. His eyes really are so pretty though. I never really noticed before now. "I can't stand how close you are with Changbin. It drives me insane. The way you laugh wholeheartedly at his stupid jokes, or dumb faces he makes. I'm trying to keep us a secret, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last. They need to know you are MINE" he emphasizes.

"Then tell them. Or matter of fact, I will. I'll do it right now!" I yell back at him. His face looks astonished. The astonishment quickly turns to a scowl. His nostrils are flaring. I quickly look at the ground and mutter "I'm sorry" to try to calm him.

"You're sorry?! Y-you're sorry?!" he stutters.

I'm genuinely scared right now. I've never seen him this upset. I don't what to do. I'm at a loss for words. I can't help but to wrap my arms around his body and hug him. That's all I can think of. Maybe our bodies connecting will help bring him back down to earth.

He pushes my arms off of him. I feel defeated. I'm not sure how to handle this. I promptly say "I'm showering. Calm down, we can talk when I come back" I pause for a second and throw a quick "baby calm down" at him.

That gets his attention. He looks up at me from his bed that he's now sitting on. He just half smiles and lowers his head again.

I leave the room and go to take a shower.

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