Chapter 1 : What to do

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3rd person POV :

All the Kings and Queens from all over walked into the meeting room with only one thing on all of their minds.

They all walked to there assigned chair. Each chair had things representing there kingdom, and all of the chair where set up around a large round table with a map of the land in the center.

Once everyone was in there seat the meeting started with the Queen of the ocean Lizzie. She rose from her chair and faced all the others.

"Hello everyone, as much as I would like to ask how are you all i think I already know the answer to that..."

Many heads tilted down but some stayed with there head high looking strong even though they too wanted to just hide in their shame like the other empires.

"So on that note shall we discuss ideas to try and get rid of this demon." She finished as she sat back down.

"What can we do that we haven't tried yet!" Jimmy or better known as the Codfather said while slamming his hand on the table.

"Come on we can't give up hope now! Are people are counting on us!" Katherine the Queen of House Blossom replied.

But as true as that is no one had an idea that they haven't tried that might work. Granted Katherine has been able to cure some of her flowers but that's only on a small scale. They needed something bigger.

They kept arguing back and forth about what to do. But wile most of them were arguing one ruler wasn't paying attention to the rest of the meeting but instead looking at the map.

The map show all the kingdoms but wile most on the map were color coded with big bold letters telling you what kingdom is was or if it was just exploded wilderness there was one spot on the map where there was nothing... as if this peace of the map was just forgotten and and colored other with light gray paint.... And no it's not like she didn't already know about it she's just never really cared to much about it.

The ruler studying the map was the Queen of the Undergrove Shubble. Being a gnome she never really socialize with many outsider but of course that changed when she became Queen. But she did hear many legends and myths one in particular was standing out to her at the moment.... Which gave her an idea!

"EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING I THNIK I GOT AN IDEA!" She announced wile standing up and slamming her hands on the table. Despite being short, short people are scary.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the gnome Queen waiting for her to continue and wanting to know what her idea is.

"You see, we all have nothing in are kingdoms that would work against Xornoth so I think we look were no one has been."

"What are you saying?" Joel King of the Mazalea asked, curiosity in his voice.

"When I was young I heard tales of a kingdom high in the mountains. I'm saying we look for the Elfin kingdom." She said looking around at the other leaders.

"Well sorry to sink your ship but that kingdom got destroyed over thousand years ago." Lizzie stated. Sighing while shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I don't think so." The gnome Queen said back smirking with a challenging look in her eyes.

"Well saying we all agree to this where in the world would we start looking?" fWhip King of the Grimlands asked.

Shubble pointed to part of the map the was colored over with gray "There is where we start."

As soon as she said this a loud whisper filled the room. But just seeing the look on many of the leaders faces you could tell they weren't so sure about this idea.

"Shubble you realize everyone who has gone into those land has never come back out!" Joey Emperor of the lost Empire said worry fulling his words.

Shubble still standing looked down trying to find something to come back at it but she would be lying if she said she to wasn't scared.
Just then the sound of someone else standing fulled the room before another Queen spoke.

"Look everyone! What other option do we have! Finding this lost kingdom could be the last peace of the puzzle. For crying out loud we have a seat here at the table for the elfin kingdom." Gem Queen of the Amethyst Cliffs stated looking at the only empty chair at the table.

Its true that a long time ago there was an elfin king in that chair but now for over a thousand years it been sitting there empty... no one dared to even lay a finger on the chair, out of fear of disappearing like the king did.

The room was quiet before the queen of the ocean stood as the other two queens sat back down.

"I say we vote. All in favor of this new idea raise your hand." She said as one of her own hands rows.

Shubble looked around the room with her own hand risen to see the majority of the other leaders had their hands raisen. But a few like Joey and Joel didn't raise there hand. But there was no need to vote again.

Delighted Shubble stood as Lizzie sat back down. " Now that that's designed I need to ask a favor of some of you... I would like three of you to accompany me on this trip."

Once again a hush filled the room but it wasn't long before fWhip stood "I would like you accompany you on this trip." And after him Gem also stood "So would I!"

Shubble couldn't help but smile at this. But she looked around see if anyone else would stand. After a short pause of time a sigh could be heard of one of the over rulers. "I guess I'll go.." To everyone's surprise it was none over than the Codfather him self Jimmy. But Shubble didn't complain it would be nice for her to get to know Jimmy a little bit better.

"Thank you for volunteering to come with me. We will meet back here in three days. In this time pack what you will need and also bring a mount to ride." She said sitting back down.

After that the rest of the meeting was short and easy going. But for those four all they could really think about was what they would find in the unknown land.

After another 20 minutes everyone head off to there kingdoms and for those four,they made sure to get everything prepared for the long journey ahead of them.

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