Chapter 2: The start of a journey

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(3 days later)

fWhip POV:

I was just about done packing up. The only thing I was looking for was my goggles which I have seem to have missed place. Surprisingly.

After finding my goggles and putting them on I grabbed my bag and went on a short walk around my kingdom. And to say the least I'm proud of my work here and I'm not losing it to the hands of Xornoth. Or anyone else for that matter.

After my short walk around the empire and my people saying bye to me and wishing me luck I took to the sky's flying in the direction the meeting hall at spawn.


3rd person POV:

All the other leaders were already outside the meeting hall. The only person they we're waiting for was fWhip.

And right on cue he came flying in and landed gracefully in front of others. Gem was holding the rains of the horses they were going ride to the edge of the map.  Queen Pearl let them barrow these horses until they reached the edge of the map. When they get there the horses are supposes to go back to Pearls empire.

"Good to see you could make it fWhip." Shubble said happy that everyone was here now.

"Come on I wouldn't miss out on this for the world." fWhip replied cheerfully. "So shall we go?" fWhip said gesturing to the horses.

"I think we shall!" The Codfather replied as he started walk toward one of the horses.

Once they all were situated on the horses they started riding in the direction of the unknown.


It took 2 days to get there and during those two days they spent time get to know each more. So when and if they are in a bad situation they know how to fight better together and what they are best at when it comes to camping ....

And getting everyone up in the morning....

But when they reached the end of the map they all got off there horses and got all there things off as well.

Even though they don't know what they will find in there one of the few things they did know is that it will be freezing. So this morning they got in their extreme winter entire so they were as ready as ever to be in the cold terrain.


Shubbles POV:

The horses started leaving only a few minutes ago, and during that time all we did well look at the thick spruce tree forest. We could only see a few feet into the forest cause of how thick the fog and the forest was in there.

'Maybe that's one of the reasons people never return....' I thought to myself.... my fear that I was trying to hide during the trip here was quickly becoming a lot harder to hide.

Just then Jimmy took a step forward and turned to look at us.

"Come on we didn't spend 2 days riding down here for nothing! So are we going to just stand here all day or are we going to do what we came here for!" Jimmy said his words full of pride.

Believe it or not Jimmy can be very persuasive when he wants to be. And just from that I'm already feels more confident. Well a little more confident...

I was just about to take a step before fWhip put his hand on my shoulder.

"It might be a good idea to tie a rope that connects all of us so we don't get lost in the fog." fWhip said then looked back at the fog then back to the group.

"Alright better being safe then sorry!" Gem said.

After we got the rope tied round all of up we start slowly walking towards the forest. The rope made it so we couldn't walk more than two feet away from the person in front or behind us . I was in the front which I'm both happy and scared about. Gem was behind me followed by Jimmy then fWhip.

After walking for about 15 minutes we could tell three things about this place. One, the temperature went from like 36 to -5 in that time span and there was already snow on the ground! Two, we don't regret connecting ourselves to each other with the rope. If we did it we would probably be separated from one another already. And three it was quite. No like VERY quiet. There were no birds no animals..... just us the fog and the woods.... And to say I'm scared is an understatement....... A very big understatement.

We walk until Gem and I couldn't bring ourselves to walk anymore so we decided to set up camp. The problem with this it took a lot longer to set up since were tied together. We also made the rule of not leaving your tent when you wake up till everyone is up so we don't get lost. This lead to normally some yell/screeching at the top of their lugs to wake everyone up.

The fire we made to make dinner helped us see a little bit better but not but much. The food was good though!

After that we stayed up a little and talked about things that were happening in are kingdoms and just talked in general. But after everything that happened each today we were beat so after about 10 mines we all just went to bed..... Well I didn't fall asleep right away...

All I could think about what was happening back home and what tomorrow will bring.... I hope we meet the elf's... they're the only reason we're out here... and if we do find them I hope they can help....


Just so many questions with no answer! I flipped over in my sleeping bag and with some miracle I was able to get to sleep. All I could dream about was finally defeating Xornoth and going back to are peaceful life's....

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