Chapter 3: What are you doing out here?

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Gem's POV

We've been walking for about 6 days now and nothing! Don't get me wrong it was nice to get to know everyone here a little better but STILL! We came out here for a reason!

Another thing is that we're freezing. I never thought I would feel this cold in my life! And to say we all were unprepared for this cold is an understatement. But we can't turn back now..... Not when we've gotten this far.....

We've also noticed the the fog hasn't been has thick so we can see now! We also don't have the rope on right now, so FREEDOM! Though we made sure to stay in eye sight of one another.

"Hey guys do you hear that?" Jimmy said from behind me.

Everyone stopped short and stayed silent....

Chime jingle jingle Chime

We all looked at each other then towards where the sound was coming from.

"Should we check it out??" fWhip asked with curiosity but worry in his voice.

"Might as well.." Shubble say walk towards the sound.


After walking for about a minute we came to a clearing. After looking around it for a bit, still hearing the jingles of a bell. I was poking around in a bush when I touched something that 100% was not a bush.


I looked though the bush to see a little lam with a small cow bell collar on. But I also noticed two other things about it.

First one of its legs were tangled up in the small thorn bush I was looking in, and seems it was moving a lot that must have been where the jingle came from. And secondly it was not a natural colored sheep... it was a cyan... meaning that this lam was born in captivity.

"Guys look what I found!" I called over my shoulder. And with in a few seconds everyone was behind me looking at the cyan lam.

"Well that's not natural." fWhip commented.

"Wonder what it's doing all the way out here."
Jimmy said sounding both confused and intrigued by this situation.

"Well we don't dont know why it's out here but that doesn't mean we can't help it!" I said squatting down and coming closer to the scared lam.

"Hey it's ok we're not doing to hurt you..." I said coming closer. "I just what to help you."
Luckily the lam let me get the thorn vines off their leg and also let me pick them up. I then moved them away from the bush and sat them down on my lap and bandaged up there leg. Granted we were sitting in the snow but I kinda got a little use to the cold.

After I finished bandaging up there leg they looked at me then back at my friends then back at me. But then it looked towards the woods.

"You see something little one?" Shubble ask from behind me.

The lam wiggled out of my grip and slowly started walk towards that direction of the woods. When it got to the edge of the woods it turned back to look at us. It then proceeded to make a 'follow me' motion with its head.

"Umm I think they want us to follow them.." Jimmy said taking a step forward.

"Yah but where would it take us?" fWhip said also taking a step.

"I mean what do we have to lose?" Shubble said and I nodded in agreement. Shubble was right, the only thing that we had to lose was are lives. It wasn't hard to realize that the other rulers had little hope in us returning, let alone returning and being successful. Though as wrong as it sounds I would too if I were in their shoes.

" We'll follow it for a hour but if nothing comes out of this then we're leaving." Jimmy said not really believing that anything will come out of this.

"Fine." Shubble said taking the lead with us following behind.

'I hope we find something.... And dang it cold here.'

675 words

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