Chapter 5 :The Mountain kingdom

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fWhip's POV :

We followed the elf's for I would say around 30 minutes. It didn't take long for me to also realize that the more we walk the less trees there were and by this point there was hardly any fog.

We kept walk for a little longer until we could see light shining though the trees and at this point the fog was no more.

But before we could go any farther the elf  in the line hood stopped us.

"Put these on. We don't want to cause a panic or a sene in the city." He said wile handing us all white cloaks. "Make sure you also keep the hoods up." He said as he turned away from us and started walking again.

After another minute or two we stepped out of the forest and boy did it feel good to see the sun light again. But that wasn't the only thing that shocked me.And it would have seem that I didn't even realize that we have been walking up a mountain the whole time we were in the forest.

You see we were on top of a mountain but this mountain was over looking to what seemed to be the elf's kingdom. I looked around and saw that not to far away was what seemed to be what looked like a tower of some kind. I then looked at my friends to see them equally as surprised as I was.

I looked back at the city and from here it was magnificent. But out of what I could see in the kingdom one thing kinda stood out to me. It was a huge stone deer statue over looking the valley that separated the mountain we were in to the main mountains where most of the kingdom was.

Finally the elf that we've been following started walking towards that tower. Following the path it took us down to a small stone stair case the led to a bridge that led in a cave, which was beautiful. It then led us up another stair case to right in front of the stone deer.

And one thing I quickly noticed as soon as we got to the main mountain I could see many elf's wondering the roads. But there weren't as many buildings as I thought there would be and not as many people as I thought but there were still people wondering about. And the further we went inside the kingdom the more homes and people we saw.

But soon we were outside to what seemed like a  meeting hall. By now it was only the original elf I found that was with us. They pushed open the door to reveal a very pretty site. Another thing I've noticed is that gold seemed to be everywhere. On the wall there were golden deer horns as well as there flag. In the middle of the hall there was a long wooded table with many chairs around it. But what really caught my attention was that all the way in the back of the room pressed against the wall want one I can only assume as the throne of the king or queen of these lands. It was decorated with gold engravings and cyan fabric while the throne itself was carved quartz I believe.

The elf in front of us started looking around the room then huffed then quickly turning and started speed walking towards another one of elfs who seems to be sweeping the floors. "Where is he." The elf in front of us said sounding irritated. "If your looking for the king I'm sorry to inform you but you just missed him. He just left saying he was going to get some fresh air." The elf who was sweeping said saying it in a way that made it sound like they were bored or tired. Looking mad the elf turned back to us with a mad look on his face but then it quickly changed to a confused one.

"Wait weren't there four of you?" At that instant we looked around to only release one thing.

Jimmy was no where to be seen.

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