Chapter 12: Complications

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3rd person POV:

Scott followed by a few other rulers ran into the stables to find Scott's men fighting with some of the villagers who lived and worked at Spawn. Though by the shouting and one elf holding a cloth to his head, as if they where injured there, the conversation wasn't to friendly.

"What is the meaning of this!" Joel said coming from behind the others who followed.

"King Joel, sir, these rats seem to have forgotten their manners and can't seem to get that these stables are for ROYALS and their men horses only."

"WE ARE MEN OF A ROYAL YOU IDIOT! WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR ABOUT 15 MINUTES NOW!" One of the elf's said who seemed to be get held back by two other elf's.

"They li-

"They speak the truth." Scott said stepping forward interrupting the worker.

"And how would you know!" The workers shot back confidently.

"Three reasons: 1, Elf's do not lie UNLESS it comes as an order from their ruler or if it is to protect their people. 2, one of them looked like they just got out of fight while you six look fine. And 3, because they are MY MEN!"
Scott looking a little bit ticked off by the people in front of him.

"Wait your-

"I am the king of Rivendell which make me the ruler of the elfin people." Scott said in a more calm voice.

By now the villagers started to realize what they have done. And the other rulers there had both mad and worried looks, being if Scott decided not to help they would be in big trouble.

"I'm sorry for these men's actions and trust me they will be punished for this, and I will be sure to get your men treated as soon as possible." Lizzie said turning to Scott.

"Thank you queen Lizzie though there was s one problem. We don't have a place to stay."

"That will be no problem Scott. There is a few homes here the are free for the taken. So you and your men can stay there till further notice."
Shubble said from behind the group.


Shubble showed Scott and his men to the empty house that they would be staying in till Scott and his men build a small out post somewhere.

Scott and his men took two houses. One was for Scott and his most trusted men, the second on was for the rest of them.

Scott's POV:

When I first became king there wasn't much to do. Rivendell has gotten to the point where there is really nothing to improve on.

But the elf's never tried to explore outside of the kingdom, not that they even had a reason to. Meaning we have just become a legend or myth of the pass. Which means I have to get us back on the map: literally.The elf's need to get on the map for this plan to work fully.

I laid on my bed thinking of how the elf can get more known of quickly. Then they it hit me.
It's so simple, just go around taking A tour of every kingdom!

Just one problem though. Will we have enough time to tour EVERYONES kingdom? Well I mean what do we have to lose?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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