Day 4

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Each day I come here and hope Tyga makes some progress. As the days go by it gets harder and harder to stay optimistic about his situation. I have my doubt's at times. But I never follow through with them. I love Tyga 'till death does us part. We've been through so much. I remember when I went to school and saw him for the second time. I played it cool but I low key liked him.

I get to school I see Michael the dude from 7-11. I keep walking though he yells "bro!" I turn around he asked for me to show him around the school. "Umm...Sure?... what's your name?" Asking knowing his name Michael. "Its Michael but you can call me Tyga. What's yours?" "August" "aye August lemme look at yo schedule homey" "ight" I say "aye Aug we got all of our classes together!"  "For real" I said like I cared, but on the inside I had pure thirst. "So where's homeroom?" By the auditorium on the second floor. "Let's go we late!"

I didn't know that I was crying. But I didn't give a fuck. He's the only one who was there for me. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be getting beaten and raped right about now. I can't loose him. I left the hospital room to get summer food out the cafeteria. They only had Mashed potatoes, corn, macaroni served with chicken patties. For a hospital that food wasn't all that healthy. Lucky for them I cleared out most of that food. I was hungry. I hasn't eaten in days. Tyga was too important to me. I finished my food. Stayed at the hospital again. This time I took a shower because lord knows I needed one.

To make chapters more interesting I'd add flashbacks. Did you like it?

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