On the Run (Part 2)

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While August was cleaning himself. I was cooking breakfast for us. The bacon, pancakes, and eggs started smelling good. I didn't notice August come down. Until August wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "So what you make?" " Who said this was for you?" " How much of it you cooked." "I might have the munchies." "Nigga you ain't eben high, stop playing " We ended up eating at 12pm. We didn't say one word while we were eating. All I heard was August hungry ass smacking his lips I couldn't blame him. I was hungry too. August beat me eating suprised he ain't choke while eating. All his food did go back up earlier. August poured both of us glasses of Orange juice. We both sat on the couch. Within less than 5 minutes we were both sleep. I get up and check my phone its now 6:50. "Get up! " "Why" August groaned "Its almost 7" "so..." August says with an attitude "We gotta get ready we got 4 hours and 30 minutes." August jumped up. We put on our clothes I grabbed a gun. "Woah! Where you get that gun from?." "Out the charger duh..." "Is it loaded?" "Yeah it got 16 in the clip." "One question, Why we leaving at 7:10 if the shit at 11:30." "We finna leave out and wait." " For 3 hours and 20 minutes?" "Yes nigga." "whatever you say..." August replies. We walk into the garage and sit in the car listening to music. Luda Chris - My Chick Bad ft Nicki Minaj was playing on the radio. I could tell August liked that song he knew every word even Nicki part. "Damn you a Minaj fan now?" "The song catchy."  "So catchy you know every word?" I say laughing. Before I known it 11 o'clock rolled around faster than I expected. You ready?" " Lets do this."  I pulled off and drove normal because I ain't want nobody recognizing the car from no where. I park in a dark shadowy area. " I thought you was dropping me off?" "I changed it a little but the rest is the same."  I pass August a gun and stayed on the look out.

August POV

Im so fucking nervous right now. I conceal my gun so they cant notice it. I take a deep breath and walk inside the abandoned building. A voice comes comes from behind me. " Im so happy yo faggot ass could come." " what the fuck do you want?" " Aww, you took tough lessons from your little friend?" " Where is Tony?!" I say angrily. "Boys bring him out!" 4 goons bring him tied up in a chair. "I thought you killed him the other day." " That was to scare you son."  "let him him go!" "August leave get far away from here " I hear tony say "SHUT THE FUCK UP." My dad says firing the gun that was aimed at Tony's head. I pull out my gun and aim it torwards my dad and his goons. " "Do it" For some reason I couldn't do it I froze up. A gun fired torwards me I ducked and ran out the door. I open the car door " DRIVE ! NOW DRIVE!" "Where's my dad?" "DRIVE NIGGA!" I yell as Tyga speeds off. " Where we going?" "To the house to get something dont come in stay in the car!" Tyga stops in front of the house and I yell grabbing any clothes of Tyga. I come out the door shoving everything in the car. " Drive to Tennessee!" "What part?" "Memphis " My brother Melvin got a place there."

"You got a brother?" "had a brother I was 10 when I saw oldest brother Mel got shot by my dad. He never saw 25 had to put him in the dirt. I don't talk about his death to nobody. He knew what my dad was like he gave me a key to his place I never lost it because we was so close. My dad told me not to tell anybody or he'll kill me too." I say feeling a tear escaping my eye. "Thats hard, and sorry for your loss" Tyga says to try to comfort me.

Are they free from all the drama or does it follow them to Memphis?"


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