Day 7

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As the thought crossed my mind. I stood by Tyga's side and stared a little bit. I stood by his side, grabbing his hands. "Look, I know you probably can't hear me. But if you do I'm sorry... Im sorry for all the bullshit I put you through.I know sometimes that I mistreat you, and you still come back
 your friends try to reach you, but you ain't hearing none of that. They try to get through, they say I ain't the move I don't know, cause girl it might be true. When they tell you, you should walk away but you stay anyway.You deserve all the love, you deserve all the love, You deserve all the care, you deserve all the care,You deserve all that and more, you deserve all that and more, You deserve better, you deserve better,You deserve to laugh, you deserve to laugh,Baby you deserve to smile, baby you deserve to smile
You deserve the best of everything. Im sorry I couldn't be that. Just wake up for please Tyga. I can't loose you again or anybody right now." I say as my tears drip off onto Tyga's mid shoulder.

"We close now right ?" "Yeah why wouldn't we be?" "I gotta tell you something. You won't judge me would you?" OK here it goes, "Um I ... I lov-... I kinda like you?" "That's all I like you as a bro too." "August I like you more than that. I love you" Tyga says covering his mouth in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I should've kept it to myself." Tyga's face turned into a faint hint of blush. August stood there and I looked at me blankly for a couple of minutes. He looked down because of my remark earlier. I lifted up his chin and said "It's ight Tyga but we have a really close friendship and I don't want to mess up what we already have."  Tyga face saddened. "Yeah I get it" he says trying to assure me "Man I'm sleepy" I say changing the subject.  I got up to use the restroom. I noticed dried up tears on Tyga's face. They covered his face lightly. I say "It'll be all right for both of us" I say under my breath for only me to hear myself. I woke up to use the bathroom as turned. I continued on with my business going to the bathroom. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. The toilet flushing must've woken up Tyga. He looks at me but I can see it in his eyes that he was hurt. But I don't know if I can even handle a proper  relationship or if I have the time for one.

I miss him if I could go back in time I would. I would've treated him better. 
Anybody catch what i did there? Most of that apology came from that August Alsina song You Deserve lol.

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