Chapter 2

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I pried my eyes open but shut them immediately. Darkness . That's the only thing I could see . I rubbed my eyes twice, I rubbed them again three times. Nothing. That's when I noticed two pairs of bloody red eyes staring back at me.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what it was. A rogue. I could see the sickening yellow foam on its snout.

Move! Run! I yelled to myself but it was as if my feet were rooted to the ground . It took a step forward and I took one back. I couldn't hesitate anymore. I made a run for it. I didn't know where I was going to though.

I didn't know why I was running to begin with. I made the mistake of of turning back. It wasn't just one rogue this time but ten. I pushed forward and noticed that they stopped chasing ,instead they started pacing back and forth.

Something wasn't right .

Up ahead I noticed three wolves looking directly at me. I must have crossed another packs borders. I had no where to hide nor run. This was it. I was going to die. One of them shifted and the sight before me made my jaw drop. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating a little, blame it on me being a little bit sheltered and only having laid eyes on one male.

"Who are you and why are you in our territory!"he growled

I gulped inwardly if thats even possible and started thinking of all the possible ways I could run away. I tried to avoid making any sort of eye contact but ended up accidentally staring right into his eyes. His eyes were fiery orange. Fire. Thats what burned in his eyes

"I... Ummm"

"Beta Jaxon, she's human,"

I never noticed the other wolves shifting. Jaxon,the beta, looked at me from head to toe trying to figure me out. I had nothing on me. I was just a girl or should I say a young woman,who woke up in the middle of nowhere.

I dont know how but all of a sudden ,Jaxon was standing right infront of me. How did he move so fast? He lowered his head and his breath fanned my cheek. I dont know why but I shut my eyes and leaned in on instinct.

" Take her to the cells"

I didn't bother speaking up. The other two men behind him roughly lifted me from the ground. I let my eyes shut.

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"Please let me out,"

Its been two days and yet they gave me no food or water. If I were a normal human, I would have probably passed out due to exhaustion. I regulated my breathing and movements sonas to save as much energy as I could because I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

"Release the girl Seth,"a female voice spoke

" Emelda , you are not supposed to be here, what would the alpha say."

"I will not repeat myself twice,release the girl!"

The cell bars swung open. I let out a sigh. I'm free.

"Come along dear,"

I followed the trail of the voice ignoring the stares I got from the guards

I could see the mysterious is woman's back .She had dark hair with some silver strands evident,despite it being abit dark outside I could notice the wrinkles on her face.

She gave off a strong aura making me realise that this lady probably had a high rank in this pack.

She took my hand and lead me out of what I termed as a hell hole.

Once we exited the place she let go of my hand and I was able to get a clear view of my surroundings everything was covered in green

"I am so sorry dear if I was informed earlier that you were here  you wouldn't have gone through all that,"

I was confused

"I'm sure that Zerabi had already informed you on why you're here," Her cheary voice suddenly became cold .

"No. ma'am I'm afraid I don't even know where I am ,"

"Even better the lesser you know the more effective this will be."

Strange . Very strange. Maybe she has me confused with someone else. Well this is a good thing for me. I could fi'ally have a different identity and maybe if things go well I could finally leave this world and become normal again.

Play dumb Andrea. Play dumb

" I don't understand what you're trying to mean"

" You have one purpose here Andrea"

How did she know my name?

" How did you know my name ?"

Maybe the person she has me confused with has the same name  . Yeah that could be the only possible reason.

"Don't worry about that"She smiled making me shudder in fear.

I didnt like this not one bit.

" What's my purpose here?"

"Now that's a simple question to answer ,make my son fall in love in you and make him make you luna of this pack"

I literally choked on my spit .

"You want me to what??"

" Make my son fall in love with you" she said in an almost bored tone

"What will I get out of this?"

"Anything you desire"

"Even if what I desire is impossible?"

" Everything is possible with Zerabi,"

" What if I fail ?"

"You won't ,"she said with conviction as if she knew what was to come

"Why are you so sure that your son will fall in love with me and why would you want a complete stranger to enter into your son's home , lie about her identity and maybe even become the  Luna of this pack ?"

"Because my dearest sweet Andrea only the most purest heart can melt that made out of stone"

" Who is your son madam?"

" Call me mother dear and my son is what many term as the devil."

I knew that there was a catch

"So you want me you to make Lucifer himself fall in love with poor old me?"

" I like your sarcasm dear, it will surely help in losing him up a bit"

" When do I get to meet him?"

" Tonight"

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