Chapter 34

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Three months later

Things were spiralling out of control and I could feel it.

The teens have gotten rowdier and the things they would do would always shock me.

From sneaking out of the orphanage in the middle of the night, to going to clubs and partying all night long

Did I mention that some of them have started doing drugs, wait sorry, some of them are involved in the distribution of them.

The Charlie thing has also been quite stressful because his abilities have started to surface and it's getting rather unsafe for his other young agemates because apparently, his abilities are quite dangerous

To make things even worse or stressful, the new Luna has been making my life hell .

After her marking ceremony, she began taking over her Luna duties and that included assigning funds to the orphanage

These funds are what kept the orphanage going. It would cover the food, the electricity the water bills , the bus fare for the teens that were going to different schools and the phone bill, but that little bitch, forgive me for calling her that but that's how she's been acting, doesn't fucking get that.

Many at times funds would delay and that would mess the entire place up and when if go to inquire from her office, she would simply shrug and many at times she'd say, 'oops'

She had the freaking audacity to say that knowing damn well of the damage she caused.

Did I mention that she started spreading rumors that I was messing with the alpha and that's how I got my position.

Because of that statement, I was slowly beginning to loose the little respect that I earned from everyone around me.

There was a time I even caught the Omegas bad mouthing me while they were doing their duties.

I can't lie and say that it didn't sting or hurt because these were the same people that I struggled to make their lives better in the pack but this was what I got in return.

At least the children were still Lovable and kind.

Back to the current situation.

I had called for an emergency meeting in the hall

I wanted to meet all the teenagers in the orphanage.

It was time to set some ground rules because this couldn't continue.

The Luna kept on telling me how it was all my fault that things were turning out this way.

She recently had told the board that I was doing more harm than good. She gave substantial evidence to the board and reports that included majority of these teenagers.

Despite me being disappointed and extremely upset, I had to sit through that board meeting like a good little girl and take all the blatant insults and mockery that were thrown at me

The teenagers came in rather slowly and it almost took them nearly an hour to settle down

I pushed my anger aside and sat patiently , watching them as they disrespected me indirectly with their bold stares and smug looks on their faces.

They knew what they did, but because I never acted upon it because I still wanted to see the good in them, they took advantage of my kindness.

When the clock struck six , my restraint broke.

"Shut the door Torence"

I said in a firm voice and this took the entire hall by surprise.

"I said, close the damn door Torence!"

He didn't hesitate neither did he wait to be told twice

"The rest of you take your seats. We are going to have a serious talk right now and I'm expecting all of you to listen and pay attention. I am not going to repeat this twice so all of you that are still standing get to your respective seats"

Murmurs erupted making me even more mad.

I didn't want to yell at them but they were making things harder for me.

Oh stars, spirits ,trees  and dear universe hold my freaking hand before I start throwing chairs at some of these beings

"Please for the last time just do what I said, don't make things harder"

Instead of listening, they increased the volume of their murmurs.


That's the only thing I could say about them.

I felt more of disappointed than upset at the moment.

My phone suddenly rung and I opted to pick it up. Trying to tell them to be silent would be useless


"Andrea, I'm about to come in with some of  the  warriors. Investigations have been going on and some of your kids have been proved to be distributors of some illegal drugs.

I didn't want to barge in and cause disorder,but this is the only time we have them in one place"

"Send me a list of their names. I'll send them out to you instead. I wouldn't want to spook the rest of the kids."

"I'm sending the list right now. Three minutes, otherwise we will come in and take them ourselves "

"Thank you Gamma"

The list came seconds later

"The following people leave the hall this instance. James Stone, John Walter, Thomas Kimle, Emiliana Sawyer, The Mathias' twins and every student that goes to the Sky Academy school!"

This made the entire hall go silent.

I think they had an idea of what was about to take place and I was dead ass sure that they knew what these people that I had just mentioned had done

"You can't tell us what to do!"

"Yeah, you have no right,!"

"You're just the Alpha's little bitch. You have neither the influence nor the power to make us do anything!"

"Infact, we are much more powerful and stronger than you. If we decide to end you right now, we would win and nobody would even care about you!"

My phone rung and I knew that time was up

"Well I tried to do this the easy way, but I guess you want the hard way instead.

The Gamma and his warriors soon walked through the door and it was as if each warrior knew and had a specific target.

They apprehended the specified teens so fast that even I was shocked at their efficiency.

The rest of the remaining teens remained glued to their seats

They could now see the severity of the situation.

They all looked at the ground guilt written all over their faces.

I'm sure they now understood why I called the names before.

To save the teens apprehended from embarrassment and to not make this a big deal .

The apprehended teens also surprised me when they left silently.

They must have probably realized that they had no choice and that there was nothing that they could do

"Now that that matter is handled, now lets get to the main agenda. We need to set some rules because things are going to change from now henceforth"

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