Chapter 3

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The house was big. Too big if I may add in that I could hear echos every time I randomly decided to talk to myself. Everything seemed so modern and new though. As if this was a newly constructed house. How long did it take to build this thing?

I looked at the wall clock . It was heading to nine. Where was he? Not that I wanted him to come back to the house or anything of the sort. In fact, I would not have minded if he chose not to return. In act that would save me a whole lot of trouble and I could finally enjoy the house all to myself. That's when the lights went out. One minute I remembered standing staring at the clock and the next I felt air leave my lungs. My back was slammed harshly to the wall and I felt my air pipe constricted.

Horrible memories that mainly consisted of Nathaniel flooded my mind.

He is not here. He isn't here. This isn't real.

Fucking hell Andrea breath.

My eyes then met with stormy ocean blue eyes bringing me back to reality.


I meant it literally because I could not breath.

His grip never ceased , instead it grew tighter. He was storming with rage. I wondered what got him in such a bad mood. Even so, lets imagine that he was in a bad mood, that did not give him any right to try and squeeze the living daylight out of me. If this was on normal grounds and if there were any local authorities, I could actually press charges and file for a restraining order or something.

But then yet again, there is no normal ground in this situation nd even if there were authorities, none of them could help me because he was he alpha and was nothing but an insignificant human that he could easily dispose of

Life is that unfair. Sucks to be me, I know

I looked straight back into his eyes pushing my fear aside. If I were to die , I wanted my last memory to be staring at those ocean eyes. His eyes were really pretty though. Yeah yeah ,I know, his sounds extremely messed up and shit but I could not lie . They were really pretty. I smiled and placed my small sized hands on his. Using the element of surprise and maybe a little bit of stupidity

Why did I do this? I did this because I knew that if I struggled or showed signs of fear, It would stroke his ego and that might encourage him to continue exerting his strength further

Any sign of fear and i would be done for

He seemed startled by my gesture and quickly pulled away. I quickly thanked the deities that watched over me because damn, I saw my life flash right in front of me. I eventually crashed to the ground and became a breathing mess. That was a result of being strangled so forgive me if i looked like a disheveled rat. He growled . He freaking growled at me as if I was the one that nearly killed him when yet it was the other way around.

He was probably angry.

"I'm sorry" I managed to croak.

I don't know why I said it but I just did. Its better to act all humble and sorry because knowing my tongue, I would have probably cursed at him. He looked at me and I looked at him. I then noticed that he was shirtless. Wrong timing

I watched how his muscles flexed without doing doing a single thing. He had tattoos on his upper right arm and his hair was tousled brown

I might have said that Jaxon was a god but him, no words could describe how perfect he was. I don't know why but I felt a strange pull towards him . Something wanted me to just wrap my arms around his torso and tell him that everything was going to be okay

Suddenly, he pushed me and I lost my balance and landed flat on my back side. I'd lie if I said it didn't hurt. Who am I kidding, it hurt, a lot.

Why would he do that? Why wasn't he saying anything? He was probably dumb and emotionally unstable.

"Why did you do that?" I said whilst dusting myself off

He shrugged and started walking away

"Hey, I wasn't done talking to you"

He stopped abruptly and I slammed into his back which by the way felt like stone. My nose hurt. He turned instantly and gave me the iciest glare I had ever received.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?"

He growled

"Don't growl at me. I don't care if you are an alpha or not, I am a person so show me some respect"

He looked at me hard probably trying to figure at me hard

"I am human so your shit doesn't work on me"

He roared. He literally roared at my face. His eyes shifted to jungle green. I honestly loved that color but right now it only gave me chills.

"You do not scare me," I whispered

False. He scared the shit out of me. He gave me one last glance before walking away.

"Goodnight to you too" I yelled

Yeah it's official. I am completely insane. What if he ate me or tore me into pieces then roasted me .

Why must you be so stupid at times Andrea

I could hear the door slam shut. This was going to be a pretty tiring task. How was I to make him fall in love with me. He clearly had some issues.

That's when I finally decided. To there was no point in doing so . As long as I had a roof over my head and food, I don't need anything else.


That alone could not compare to what I truly needed

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