Chapter 10

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First of all I want to thank you all for the 500+reads. Honestly,I didn't think that anyone would be interested in this book,but y'all proved me wrong again. I love you all so much😭

I was lying on something very cold. I pried my eyes opened and noticed that the armchair was empty . Great, just great, I fell off the chair again. I picked myself up and quickly freshened up .After I was done, I quickly fixed the office before rushing to send of the teens to school.

By nine o'clock,I was done and quickly went to my first class.

"Good morning my little munchkins"


After ensuring that all of them had had a goodnight rest and we're feeling okay,I proceeded with the lesson

"Soo today we are going to talk about something very interesting"

Their eyes sparked up and I instantly knew that I had their attention.

"What are we going to talk about, Andrea?"one of the kids asked looking a bit puzzled

"Mates "I smiled.

Suddenly,the kids facial expressions changed. They looked horrified and though it was supposed to be sad I ended up bursting out in laughter.

"Umm kids, what's wrong? Why do you all suddenly look like somebody just ran over your toys?"

I joked but they looked even more frightened


My eyes locked with ocean Blue eyes and the answer dawned on me. They were scared of him.

He stood,sorry ,leaned on the wall and had this menacing look on his face that could frighten an entire army .

They were just kids, couldn't he give them a break.

"Okay,change of plans kids, I am going to have an assistant"

The kids looked confused

"Mr big bad alpha,over there, is going to assist me in teaching you today"I smiled and that seemed to piss him even more.

This is going to be fun.

The kids relaxed a bit though

"Let's give the alpha a round of applause"

I gave him the warmest smile I could muster, note the sarcasm,and patted the spot right next to me . I honestly expected him to walk away but surprisingly,he didn't. Instead,he walked right up to me and sat on the chair.


"Andrea,are we still going to learn about mates?" A kid asked breaking me out of my mini trance

If looks could kill then I would have already been six feet under. The alpha gave me a sharp look but I shrugged

"Of course dear, we're still going to talk about mates"


"Okay ,let's see, so according to this guide book, I'm supposed to tell you that a mate is somebody designed specifically for someone which by the way I find a little bit ridiculous"I scoffed at the end

"Too many big words Andrea. I don't understand"a kid from the back said and even added abit of dramatic effect by crossing her arms and pouting. I found it cute though.

"Ok dear,let me make it easy, a mate is someone who loves you for you"

"Somebody who loves me for me?"

"Yes!" The alpha spoke

"Please don't traumatize them" I whispered and he smirked

He leaned towards me and I felt his warm breath fanning my cheek

"Is little miss Andrea afraid "he whispered


"I know how to handle children Andrea "

He smiled then looked away

"As Andrea just said, a mate will love you for you. A mate's priority will always be you and a mate's purpose in life will be you"

"Alpha I beg to differ but not all mates will care for one another. You see kids,one thing that nobody will tell you is how to be ready incase you get rejected "

I looked at the alpha straight in the eye as I said each word. He looked startled.


"What does rejection mean Mr Alpha?"one of the boys asked.

"It means refusing you mate and leaving them"

"But why would anyone do that Andrea?"a girl asked this time.

These kids were so innocent. They didn't know the cruelty of this world.

"Because,dear, they are mistakes "


"Yes dear,the moon goddess at times makes mistakes. She gets so busy and forgets then pairs two people who can never be together"

"Sorry Miss Andrea but I beg to differ"

He was close. Too close and I didn't like it

"The moon goddess never makes mistakes"

"Trust me ,she does"

"Mr Alpha,how do people mark each other?_

"Well that's simple,they bite each other right over here"

He pointed at the juncture where his shoulder and neck met

"Could you show is Mr Alpha?"

"Sure kiddo,miss Andrea,if you don't mind"...

If I don't mind what? That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks.

He was going to use me to demonstrate.... Oh you have got to be kidding me

The kids looked extremely excited though and I had nothing to loose besides,it would all mean nothing at the end of the day.

I gave him a slight nod and a smile formed on his lips.

So he can smile huh

"Okay kids,this is how we mark each other. The male wolf is usually dominant and has a way of claiming what's his. So since I'm a male,I'll be claiming miss Andrea as mine.... because she is a female"

He said looking at me.

"She is mine..and only mine,"he said ,all sense of humor gone

."For now of course" he added

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. He left ghost kisses on my neck before settling on a given spot that made me curl my toes. He noticed and smirked.

If I wasn't wrong,this was abit rated for the kids

"Get away from her Mr Alpha,girls have cooties!"

He chuckled and pulled away. I could finally breath. I looked into his eyes once more and they seemed to have darkened.

"How could I forget,I owe you my life young man"he smiled

"Mr Alpha,is Miss Andrea your mate?"

He looked at me as if he was contemplating.

"What do you think?"

"I think that miss Andrea is your mate because your eyes light up whenever you look at her"

"Oh really now"

"Mr Alpha,prove it then"

"Prove what?"

"Prove it to all of us that miss Andrea is not your mate"

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