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"Okay, class." Aizawa walked in.

The heroes in training were very confused because their teacher only entered the classroom in a sleeping bag. The only time he'd walk in was when he was angry or if Mic took the sleeping bag.

"Stop staring." Aizawa groaned. "Today, Katsuki Bakugou will be joining our class. Although, the mental institution has ordered him to where a muzzle until he settles in and stops biting people."

The class felt a bit nervous but carried on listening to their tired teacher. "The nurses have told me some stuff that we should be careful of. Katsuki doesn't like his second name. He gets very emotional if someone does something for him, like you saw back in the hospital. He is very strong and easily ticked off. His quirk is explosions."

"Mr Aizawa?" Tsuyu raised her hand. "When will he arrive?"

"He'll be here in about 2 hours." Aizawa told her. "He is currently getting discharged and taught how to treat others. He has gone through many psychiatrist and therapy sessions to insure that he is safe. And, they have said that he is sane enough to enter a public place. But- only with an adult."

Aizawa went to his desk and started reading a file. Although, this file looked nothing like the mental institution file. It was one all the students new about. It was a file about a villain...

Midoriya's POV

Aizawa sensei left and started reading a villain file. The class and I decided we start by making the classroom feel welcome so we cleaned up.

I was on 'cleaning the floor' duty and so was Todoroki-Kun. So, we just hung out.

"You missed a spot Midoriya." Todoroki pointed out for me.

"Oh!" I walked over and started cleaning. "Thanks, Todoroki-Kun!"

He nodded and smiled. "No problem, Midoriya."

"Do you think Kacchan will be happy to see me?" I asked.

"Probably." Todoroki said. "He must've missed his friends."

"Kacchan didn't really have friends..."

"Was he bullied?" he asked me.

"More like the other way." I told him. "Although, it was just the way he was raised."

"I see-"

"You idiots!" Mina walked up to me. "You two have been talking and cleaning the same spot for about 10 minutes!"

"Let's not be harsh, Mina." Momo-San walked up to us. "You're doing great, guys."

Momo dragged Mina back to the windows and we all carried one. It took us some time but the results were worth it! The class looked so clean, you could see your reflection clear as day.

"Okay, everybody!" Iida caught our attention. "Katsuki is going to be here in about 5 minutes so, we need to be on our best behaviours. Now, I'm not pointing names but we aren't allowed to flirt, annoy or aggravate him. Got it?"

"Fiiiiiine." the Thotsquad groaned.

"Good." Iida gathered the class into a group. "Any moment now, he will step through these doors and we will greet him as politly as possible."

Third Person

Bakugou walked through the hallways with his hands in his pocket and a muzzle in his face. He fiddled his fingers around but was immediately smacked by the nurse. This was a sign to stop. He looked out the windows of the UA building and sighed. He looked back ahead of himself and saw that they were almost at the door.

If Bakugou didn't have a supervisor, he would have ran to the door. But, he couldn't. Bakugou reached to open the door when they got there. Although, his hand was smacked, again. He took a step back and let the nurse open the door for him.

"Good Morning, Mr Aizawa." the nurse bowed her head. "We have arrived. Katsuki will need a student to supervise him because I have other patients to attend to. Have a good day."

The nurse left the classroom and walked back down the hallway. Aizawa walked up to Bakugou and let him in. Even though he was super exited a minute ago, Bakugou's anxiety started to rise. But, he kept it hidden and just smiled. Although, his smile isn't the best. It's like Aizawa and SHigaraki's smiles mixed together, minus the crust.

"Katsuki?" Aizawa walked back to the podium. "Kirishima will be your supervisor since his quirk can deflect yours."

"Okay..." Bakugou looked over the class but didn't see anybody he liked. "Who's Kirishima?"

"The one with red hair and shark teeth." Aizawa pointed at the boy. "Your dorms are next to each other's so you can keep an eye on him." Aizawa told Kirishima.

"Yes, sir!" Kirishima smiled.

"Now, get along with your classmate. Don't wake me up. I just got my sleeping bag back from Hizashi and I don't want it taken away."

The class gathered at around Bakugou and introduced themselves. For the first time in forever, Bakugou felt happy. Although, the class forgot one thing about Bakugou. He gets very emotional...

A tear fell down the boy's eye and many students started to panic. But, the smart ones knew what was going on.

"Katsuki-San." Momo put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. "Do you want a tissue?"

"Y-yes, please..." Bakugou said.

Momo used her quirk and made a box of tissues out of her arm. This amazed Bakugou and completely changed his mood.

"Woah!" he stared at Momo. "Your quirk is awesome! And- it's not a villainous quirk! That makes it even better!!!"


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm so so so so sorry this chapter is like- two days late ;w; Once again, I got distracted. I didn't realise it so yeah. I'll try to post either tomorrow or Saturday. It depends. Now, an explanation for why Bakugou acts like this? He imagines the people around him as members of his family or friends. Like- Kirishima as Motu or the nurse as his mum. It's a bit confusing but hopefully you'll get used to it as the story goes on. If you want a further explanation, then you can ask me! Anyways, have a good day/night <3 Love you!


Word Count: 1013

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