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Third Person

Aizawa got up, Katsuki still in his arms. He moved the boy to the side and put on his yellow goggles. He searched for the villains but couldn't see them due to the smoke and the flames. After about 2 minutes, he grabbed Katsuki's wrist and started to run. He found a ladder to a roof and told the kid to climb while he looks for the villains.

Katsuki grabbed the ladder and started to go up it. He felt terrified but he knew that it was to save him. His plan was to get on to the roof and aim and explosion at the league.

He got up to the roof and searched for the ones who hurt him and his 'family'. He tried his best to look for them but nobody was there. After a while, he gave up looking for the league and decided to look for his teacher or dad.

Whilst looking, he felt something wrap around his neck. He could tell it was a hand but it had metal and burnt bacon on it. He looked out the corner of his eye and saw a man with black spiky hair and burns all over him. Katsuki realised this was the one that Aizawa called: Dabi.

"Nice to see you again, Katsuki Bakugou." he snickered. "I think you've been a bad kid so, the league and I are going to punish you. Don't worry, the flames will give you a slow painful death but falling will hurt even more."

A shiver ran down Katsuki's spine as he was lifted into the air. It was getting harder to breathe every second. His vision became blurry and his body went limp. Although, he was still alive.

"Now- have fun!"

The hand let go of him and he felt his body falling to the ground. But- it wasn't fast. It was going slow. Everything was going slow. Memories were flooding back into his mind as he went down.

He remembered when he was 4 years old. It was a Sunday morning. He was sat down in the living room, watching some tv. He felt warmer than usual but instead, he just ignored it. Although, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, it started to become unbearable. 

"Mum?" he pulled on his sleeve. "My hands hurt and it's really hot..."

"Let me see them Katsuki." Mitsuki said.

She grabbed his hands and looked down at his palms. They were burning bright orange. Her eyes widened and she called for Masaru. he rushed in and saw Mitsuki looking panicked and holding Katsuki's hands.

He sighed and walked over to them. "It seems he's got his quirk. Must be similar to mine."

Mitsuki sighed in relief and smiled back at Katsuki. His eyes grew wide in wonder and he stared back at his palms. That was the day he got his quirk.

Tears fell out of his eyes. He remembered his parents smiles and how lovely they were. He wished he could see them again.

Closer and closer. The ground grew closer and closer.


Katsuki turned to his childhood friend as he ran up to him. He groaned and carried on walking back to his house.

"Auntie said you were moving!" he said. "I'm going to miss you. But- at least we're still in the same school!"

"Shut up, nerd." he said. "It's just a different neighbourhood. I won't miss you, by the way."

"I know, Kacchan..." Midoriya sighed.

The fall began to quicken. So did the tears. he wished he could've at least said sorry to him and everybody he'd known. Especially Deku.

Aizawa's eye had been messed up. He couldn't see out of it nor could he hear the screams of people around him. He decided to leave it to Endeavour who would be there in a while. He got himself up the ladder and onto the roof. Although, he was met with the sight of Katsuki being dropped off the roof by a certain bacon boy.

"Katsuki!" Aizawa yelled.

Dabi turned to the pro hero and smiled. Waving goodbye he walked into Kurogiri's portal just in time, before Aizawa could get him.

The crying hero ran over to the side of the roof and looked down. Unfortunately, Katsuki was already dead.

Tears streamed down his face as he looked down upon the bloody corpse of a boy that he promised to protect.

Everything went downhill for the pro hero. That night, was the worst night to ever happen to him. He wished it was all a nightmare. A bad dream. Although, it was nothing like that. It was reality.

That night- life was shit for the pro.

Done. That's it. That's the end. I liked the end. You probably didn't ;-; It was pretty fun to write if I'm being honest. I decided to write the last chapter today, even though I posted the last chapter like- 2 hours ago. I was setting up my desk and my room is almost finished :D Anyways, have a good day/night <3 Love you!


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