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Kirishima's pov (the next week)

Oh no... Oh no...

I haven't even known him for a day and I already have a crush on him. I literally don't even know his birthday yet I have a crush on him! I've fucked up.

"Kirishima!" Mina's fingers snapping in front of my face brought me back to reality. "You've been spacing out all week! You good, baby?"

"Oh..." I sighed. "Sorry 'bout that guys. I got distracted and zoned out. You know me and my daydreaming."

"You don't daydream, Kiribro." Sero told me. "Well- not as much as sparky."

"Hey!" Denki yelled. "I only daydream when I'm not doing anything important."

"Saving people's lives aren't important...?" Jirou gave Denki a concern look while he tried to think of a come back.

We all chuckled at Denki's attempt. That night was something I will never forget because of the realisation that went through my mind. Obviously, it was just a stupid crush but something inside me told me that it was much more. Although, I ignored it.

The next morning was a mess. I had to help Katsuki get settled in but he wasn't allowed to stay alone without supervision. So, I had to sleep on his floor while he slept in his comfy bed. I wasn't that bothered and I would've fallen asleep if I hadn't realised Katsuki sleep talks.

I'll fucking kill you... Die Deku... Bitch... yaaaaaaaaaaay...

Over and over. That's all I heard for 5 hours straight. Or- gay? I don't know!

"Stop spacing out, man!" Jirou yelled at me. "Jeez. I swear that Katsuki guy has done something to you."

"He probably has." Denki said. "I mean- I did see Kiri blushing at him."

"I-I wasn't!" I stuttered. "I was just- um... it was just really hot!"

"Katsuki or the room?" Mina smirked, leaving me a complete mess.

"Hi, guys." Katsuki sat down with his tray of food. "What're you talking about? It better not be about me or I'll slit your throats!" he chuckled

We all got shivers down our spines but I don't think it was because of his words. It was because of his smile and giggle afterwards. We knew that he liked to threaten people but now- it was getting worse.

"It wasn't about you, mate." Jirou patted his back. "We were talking about if Aizawa is going to let us train outside."

"Oh..." he sighed. "Sorry- I just wanted to do something fun..."

"Fun..?" Sero asked.

"It's nothing..." he smiled. "I just have a weird mind, I guess."

"Yeah..." I chuckled. "Anyways, I hope hero training will be back on soon. I really wanna show Kat my quirk."

"You guys never told me your quirks." Katsuki stated. "Maybe I can learn them from training..."

"Or we could just tell you them?" Mina said.

"It's more fun to do it the hard way, you know?" he said. "Finding out things the hard way should be called the best way if I'm being honest."

"I really want to know what goes on in your brain everyday." Denki said. "Like- it's so crazy and scary but also... uh- cool, I guess?"

"Thanks." Katsuki smiled. "The doctors never really told me what was wrong with me. Although, I did hear them say the words 'bipolar', 'sociopath' and 'psychopath'. Not sure why though."

My eyes widened at what he said. We all knew he had a mental disorder but we didn't realise it was thing serious. But- because we're helping him fit in to normal human society, we were going to help him. I just wish we tried harder.

Third person (that night)

The group walked down the pavement to a corner store. It was something that Bakugou had felt the need to. He wasn't sure why, though.

The 'bakusquad' entered the small store and looked around. They found a few snacks and drinks and went to pay. Although, Bakugou never went to the counter. He just stayed by the door and avoided eye contact. None of his friends were curious on why he was doing that since they knew that Bakugou had weird habits.

"That'll be 15000 yen please." the cashier said.

"Here ya go." Jirou handed him some money. "Hey, Katsuki! We got your sandwich!"


Bakugou looked back up and his eyes met and old friend's: Mr Myoga. Neither had seen each other for just over 2 years.

"You're out of the hospital!?" Mr Myoga said.

"Yeah..." Bakugou walked up to the counter. "I'm back, I guess."

"It's good to see you well." Mr Myoga said. "I'm sorry about your parents, kid. Nobody deserves to go through that trauma."

"It's fine." Bakugou said. "It doesn't matter to me anymore. The past is the past, right?"

"Yeah, sure." Mr Myoga chuckled. "Have a good day, kid."

The group of heroes in training left the store and went back to the dorms. Kirishima and Bakugou went to the fourth floor whilst the rest of the squad stayed in the common room.

"So," Kirishima opened Bakugou's dorm room door. "What do you wanna do?"

"I dunno." Bakugou shrugged. "I guess just chill. Maybe we could break something?"

"Maybe not?" Kirishima said. "How about we play video games?"

"That's boring, shitty hair." Bakugou said. "I'm going to bed. Everything hurts and shit."

"Why would everything hurt?" Kirishima asked.

"Probably cause I have a shard of glass in my leg but it could also be my little headache. Probably that." Bakugou shrugged as Kirishima panicked.

"Holy shit, dude!" Kirishima yelled. "We need to get you to recovery girl's office right now!"

"Or- I can just pull it out and you can bandage me?" Bakugou said. "Bandages are probably in that cabinet above the sink." (Just imagine they have bathrooms in their dorms)

"Got it!" Kirishima rushed into the bathrooms.

He searched through the cabinet above the sink but found nothing. He was confused but kept looking. Eventually he found them in the shower for a reason he refused to ask for. He grabbed the bandages and noticed a bit of blood on them but figured it wouldn't  harm his blonde friend.

He walked back into the room but didn't look up. He wasn't sure if Bakugou had taken out the glass yet and he didn't want to see him do it. Although, he didn't hear movement. After a bit, he looked up to his friend but he wasn't there. In fact, the window to the balcony was smashed. There were glass shard everywhere. But- one shard stood out to the red headed shark.

One shard with blood on the other end,

I'm back baby! So sorry for not updating. I had a lot of stress and a lot of stress leads to worse anxiety tics. I've had them for a while but they're finally starting to die down a bit since I'm no longer doing online school. If possible, I will start to update more but it will be very slow. The end of the year is coming around which means tests ;-; But- I hope you have all been doing well! Stay safe people! Anyways, have a good day/night <3 Love you!


Word count: 1205

Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes by the way-

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