Noir!Osomatsu x Reader

423 17 3

Inspired by shimmering_clouds' prompt.

I sank into the driver seat of my car, both hands clutching the steering wheel for dear life despite the vehicle not running. Licking my upper lip nervously, I glanced down into the footwell of the passenger seat to spy the inconspicuous black bag that was shoved out of sight behind my purse.

'You know what he's going to ask, (y/n)...' I mentally berated myself, letting my hands fall from the steering wheel before picking up the smartphone that sat in a cup holder, ' why did you even stop in that store?!'

I scrolled through my phone contacts until a familiar name rolled up through the screen, hesitantly pressing it before I heard the call try to connect.

"Hey, babydoll."

I shuddered a little at the new nickname that the speaker had decided to start calling me, unsure if I liked it or not, "Hey, Todomatsu. I, uhh...I'm driving back home from my shopping trip, if you were still thinking of coming over."

"Oh, sure," I could hear someone else speaking near him on the other side, but couldn't make out the words, "Listen, I have something to do real quick and then I'll be on my way."

"Sounds good," A small wave of relief washed through my system as I quietly slid my car key into the ignition, "I'll get dinner ready for us."

"Sounds good, babydoll," Without waiting for a 'goodbye', Todomatsu hung up the call. I pulled the phone away from my ear before staring at the screen, my brow creasing a little with uncertainty.

"Todomatsu..." I softly uttered his name before shaking my head in disapproval. Todomatsu was my boyfriend and he had promised me that he would be honest with whatever we talked about. I knew that I had trust issues, especially after I found out that my first boyfriend had been seeing someone else while I was considered his 'side chick', but Todomatsu knew about this...

No, he said that he had something quick to finish before he'd be on his way. I shook the recent pet name from my head, my hurt mind trying to twist it into an excuse that he was cheating on me before I turned over the engine and shifted the car into gear.

With the groceries meant for dinner tonight sitting in the trunk, I began to drive home.


After ensuring that everything was in its place -- including my new surprise tucked away in my closet -- I patiently waited for my boyfriend to arrive, passing the time by reading a book. My meager apartment wasn't lavish by anyone's standards, but the simple one-bedroom apartment was more than enough for me.

The kitchen had a small eating area right next to it, the table decorated with some of Todomatsu's favorite flowers as the freshly made food sat in vented containers to ensure that they were still warm by the time he arrived.

Every time I heard someone walk outside the apartment, I set the book down expectantly and waited for the door to open. This happened quite a few times before I realized that it was almost two hours after he usually stopped by, the book closing gently in my hands as I reached for my phone resting on the arm of the chair I was sitting in.

As I scrolled through my contacts to call Todomatsu to make sure that he was okay, I heard the front door knob turn, quickly looking to the front door to see Todomatsu hobble into the apartment.

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