[15] the anchor

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the anchor

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( heart monitor; pt.ii )

THE field is empty when Maddie arrives. A part of her finds it a little strange; she's used to the  roaring crowds or the team hollering at one another during practice. It even feels strange being there when there's no Coach screaming insults and not—so—empty threats to his team. Maddie passes the bleachers and drops her bag on the bottom row before moving to sit on the player benches, resting her leg over the other and placing her chin in the palm of her hand. She looks over her shoulder, wanting to see if Stiles and Scott are on their way. Her heart jumps a little when she sees them, having not actually expecting them to arrive at that moment.

When she's sure they notice her, she stands up, crossing her arms across her chest. "So what's the plan?" she asks, raising her voice so that she's certain the two can hear her.

Stiles raises a hand to tell her to be patient and she does so begrudgingly. He drops a bag down onto the bench, taking a seat beside it as Maddie steps backwards to offer him space. She rests her tongue over her top teeth as she waits expectantly for Stiles to explain the plan. Scott is a bit behind, trudging along to the field——either he knows about the plan and doesn't look forward to it or he is like any sane person and doesn't look forward to whatever plan Stiles has to help get his anger under control. Maddie offers him a small smile as he approaches and he stands straighter, giving one back.

"You get away from Allison?" Maddie inquires, a small teasing tone in her voice.

Scott sighs. "Yeah."

Noticing the dejection in his tone, Maddie frowns. According to Derek, he needs to stay away from Allison because she's a distraction, and Scott doesn't like that one bit. He is absolutely smitten with that girl and Maddie can't blame him. She's beautiful and extraordinarily kind——Maddie doesn't understand how she can come from a family of hunters and murderers when she's like that.

Stiles pulls something from the bag, Maddie tilting her head to get a better look at it as he thrusts it in Scott's direction with an order of, "Put this on."

Scott gives a sceptical look as he takes hold of the heart monitor, inspecting it closely. Maddie moves to his side, glancing over to Stiles with her brows knitted together just as Scott asks, "Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?"

"Yeah," Stiles confirms, glancing up to the two of them for a second. "I borrowed it."

"Stole it," Scott corrects.

Stiles sighs, clicking his tongue before he smiles sarcastically, returning the correction with, "Temporarily misappropriated."

"That is stealing," Maddie says, trying to hide her laugh from his attempt at hiding his crime.

"Temporarily," he repeats, cutting his eyes at her.

She gives him a sweet smile, a pointed look hiding behind her eyes which he picks up on. Stiles rolls his eyes, dropping his face in annoyance at their unwillingness to drop the matter. He quickly sticks his tongue out at her before facing Scott, moving the conversation away from his interrogation and onto the reason that he stole the equipment in the first place. "Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate for his phone while he jogs. And you're going to wear it for the rest of the day."

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