Chapter 4

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Post dinner


Ridhima was warming the milk for avni... holding her on her waist... while everyone else were either left for their houses or were in their rooms... she looked at her daughter who had kept her head on her mother's shoulder feeling tired after playing with everyone...

Ridhima smiled at her and then her eyes went to the kitchen door to see Aayush coming inside with a smile... Ridhima passed him a smile while he came to them and hugging Ridhima from back kissed avni's head spoke...

Aayush: baba ki jaan!

Avni turned her face to her father with her one hand in her mouth still keeping her head on her mother's shoulder... Aayush smiled and kissing her cheek spoke...

Aayush: my baby is tired?

Avni just kept looking at him without saying anything... while Ridhima took the milk bottle and spoke...

Ridhima: chaly?

Aayush nodded and moved back a bit... Ridhima walked ahead with Aayush behind her talking to his daughter who was listening to her daddy drar with so much concentration... they reached their room when mann's room's door got opened and the duo turned to look at him...

Mann: my bunny was going to sleep with me today!

Mann said out in complaining manner making Aayush looked at acni who passed a small smile to her chachu... and soon enough she was in mann's arms... Ridhima smiled and passed mann her milk bottle saying..

Ridhima: make sure she complete this before sleeping!
Mann: okay bhabhi!

Saying so mann cuddles avni and went inside his room... Aayush and Ridhima looked at the closed door and then walked inside... Ridhima walked to the closet and took out her night outfit when Aayush walked to her and locking his hand on her tummy he placed a kiss on her shoulder saying...

Aayush: we are having this lone time after long! No?

Ridhima smiled and saying a small yes turned to Aayush... he slightly tucked her hair behind her ear while she put her head on his chest...

Ridhima: your princess take away everyone's time that on one have their own time!

Aayush chuckled holding her close before speaking out...

Aayush: that is why she is my princess!

Both laughed and stood their for time being in each other's arms.. when Aayush spoke...

Aayush: you know after having avni i know what mama papa felt about us, like i can never in my dreams could let anything happen to her, my baby!

Ridhima looked at him face with a smile and then asked with a smirk...

Ridhima: and what about me?

Aayush fake frowned and the tickled her making her clothes fell on the ground which she was holding... and soon both fell on the bed laughing... after laying beside each other Aayush turned to his wife and spoke creasing her cheek...

Aayush: you are to my life! You are the reason i have so much happiness in my life! My baby avni, so how can i even think of you getting hurt! I love you soooo much!

Ridhima smiled brightly before joining her lips with his making him smile within the kiss... as they both both lost in their love...


4 weeks later


Nandini and manik with everyone else including the richard's family were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital... nandini was again and again looking at the time when manik held her hand making her look at him... be passed her a smile saying...

Manik: she will be fine, she's a brave girl!

Nandini nodded her head when the nurse came and told them...

Nurse: Mrs. Naira Richard has been blessed with a baby girl!

Every person in the room smiled widely and thanked god when they saw Richard coming inside holding his little daughter in his arms... Aayush and mann became thrilled looking at their niece while nandini had tears in her eyes looking at the little baby in her father's arms...

They all met the little girl with her grannies holding her onces... when the nurse came and took the baby after telling them that they could meet naira in 5 mins...


Naira opened her eyes from her sleep and the first person she saw was her mother whom she called with her low voice...

Naira: mama!

Nandini smiled brightly with tears and standing next to her kissed the top of her head... while naira to cried feeling all the love... now she knew who her mother felt bringing them in the world... no wonder her parents lives lies in the malhotra siblings...

Breaking the hug nandini asked naira with a smile...

Nandini: how is my baby?
Naira: im fine mama! And i love you so much mama! Thank you for everything you have done for us, I can't thank you enough...

Nandini nodded in no wiping her tears when she looked at her father who smiled at her and she smilef more... after that her husband came to her with thisr daughter behind them her in-laws came and then her siblings who were beeming with joy....

Naira held her little daughter in her arms as she felt herself being complete... her eyes shined with tears of happiness and her smile couldn't move out...


Okay so Mann and Alisha moments in the next chapter!
How was this one?
Do let me know!
Waiting for your reviews!


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