Chapter 13

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Mumbai, India

Ridhima with mann and avni came out of the airport.... mann was holding the trolley loaded with their luggage.... and Ridhima was walking beside him holding her not so little sleeping beauty in her arms... mann looked around and found the driver who came from malhotra mansion... he looked at to Ridhima saying...

Mann: chaly bhabhi!

Ridhima looked at him from her daughter and the nodded her head walked behind him... she sat in the car while mann helped the driver with the luggage... soon as they sat mann spoke to the driver...

Mann: uncle murthy mansion drop krdy humy!
Driver: theek hai chotay baba!

And he drove off all thsi while Ridhima tried to wake up Her daughter who gave a damn to all the touches...

Ridhima: puri Aayush Malhotra ki beti hai!

She said to himself looking at her daughter... while mann sitting on the front seat msged Aayush about their landing and then looked at alisha's msgs... he haven't talked to her since yesterday... he smiled mumbling...

Mann: just an hour baby! Then we will talk face to face!

He smilingly looked outside while they went to murthy mansion...



Manik had taken a leave for today and was spending time with his daughter and grand daughter... while nandini was cooking for her family looking at everything with a smile... and ronit he had gone to take his afternoon nap after having his medicine and will be waking up sooner in the evening....

Manik was playing with mahi who smiled looking at her grandpa... when naira sat besdie manik with a thud making him look at her...

Manik: meri princess ka mood off ku ho gaya?

Naira looked at him and then at her daughter saying...

Naira: she stole my time with my papa!

Manik laughed out before taking Naira in a side hug and kiss the top of her head...

Manik: no one can stole my time with my princess not even your mama...
Nandini: i am listening malhotra!

They listened nandini's voice from the kitchen and shared a look before laughing together... naira then looked at mahi who was yawning...

Naira: chalo madam! lets make you sleep!

Saying so she picked her up and cooed her with a smile while manik too smiled looking at the duo... as naira went manik looked at the kitchen door to see nandini standing there with a big smile on her lips... he stood up and walked to her... touching his head with her manik spoke...

Manik: you know i love you the most!

Nandini smiled and pulling back pecked his lips saying...

Nandini: i know malhotra!

Manik chuckled kissing her cheek...


Aayush was sitting on the couch with a grumpy face... why not? His wife is way to busy to call him... he was changing the channel again and again when naira came with a tub of her icecream and sat beside him after putting mahi to sleep on her room... she looked at him munching her icecream and finally spoke...

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