Chapter 34

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The doctor looked at manik and mann who were sitting down on their chair and couch respectively with their faces devoid to any expression... she then turned to nandini who had tears in her eyes looking at the two of them... nandini just blink her eyes at the doctor who nodded and taking a breathe spoke...

Doctor: nandini as your tumor is on 1st stage it can be curred, but if we won't hurry up then it can spread and things can get worse!

Now manik and mann just looked at the doctor who licked her lips before saying...

Doctor: also before we lead to any other thing, i will need to do your MRI and CT scan, to know the location and size of the tumor! Then only we can lead ahead to the solutions of the tumor!

They all kept quiet for a few seconds before manik asked....

Manik: when can it be done?

He looked at the doctor who spoke...

Doctor: we could have do it now but before that i need to run a test to know if she will need any IV or not! So we will do that tomorrow in the morning!

Manik nodded then looked at nandini for a second before asking again...

Manik: what can be the cause?

The doctor looked between manan before saying...

Doctor: I guess you don't know but nandini told me that her father died due to blood cancer, it is genetic i guess but it will be confirmed after the tests!

Manik gulped and nodded his head before standing up...

Manik: she will be fine tonight? She was having pains!
Doctor: sorry manik I cannot do anything about the pains, I can't give her any kind of medication before knowing everything!

Manik just stayed silent and then looked at nandini... he held her by her shoulders making her stand up and then walked to the door... mann too walked behind his parents and soon they were out of the hospital with so many worries in their mind....


Manik drove the car silently looking straight while nandini was looking at him all the time.... as he stopped the car infront their home... manik turned to look at nandini who was just gazing him with teary eyes...

Manik moved his hand to her face and wiped out her tear as his eyes itself felt heavy.... coming out of the car he looked at the main door of their home... where Ridhima and Aayush were standing with Avni hugging her mother's legs... mann too walked to them while manik opened the door and held nandini from her shoulder... looking at him nandini said...

Nandini: I am fine manik!

Manik just looked at her before holding her more close to him and took steps towards their home... as they came near the main door kids moved back and manik took nandini to their room... with all the kids following them...

As nandini sat on the bed she looked at manik who covered her legs with the duvet and walked to the washroom.... nandini sighed at this when Aayush sat beside nandini and held her hand creasing it he looked at his mother with teary eyes and then Aayush spoke...

Aayush: what is all this mama?

Nandini wiped his tear telling Aayush...

Nandini: nothing meri jaan! I am going to be fine soon!
Aayush: you have to be fine!

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