Chapter 22

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Manik was creasing his head with his thimb and fore-finger looking at the file when the door of his office got opened with a thud making him look up and find Aayush huffing and he spoke still holding the door's knob...

Aayush: mama!

The mere word made manik horrified and he without asking or saying anything took the mobile which was on the table and ran out leaving his coat behind... he gave a damn to his everything as he ran down from the stairs as he couldn't wait for the lift... running down 7 floors of the building making reached the parking lot hugging with Aayush in the same condition.... 

The watchman frowned looking at the due but nevertheless gave manik the car keys before the duo sat in the car and manik drove on the maximum speed he could drive.... Aayush looked at his father who was way too much worried and then at the road to see they were almost there.... manik covered 25 mins drive in just 8 mins.... coming out of the car manik walked inside his wife's hospital....

The receptionist looked at manik who was about to come to her so she stood up and spoke....

Receptionist: sir maam is in her cabin!

Manik looked at the receptionist before walking towards nandini's cabin while Aayush too came to him after roughly parking the car....

Manik opened the door of nandini's cabin hurriedly making nandini with Ridhima and avni look at manik.... manik looked at nandini who was laying on the bed with a drip attached to her body and without taking another breathe he ran to her and standing beside the bed kissed her forehead closing his eyes.... he let his lips over there for a while....

When Aayush to came there and avni ran to him.... Aayush looked at his parents and then at Ridhima who was sitting on the couch... picking up avni in his arms he walked to Ridhima.... Ridhima held his hand as she stood beside her when manik pulled back with a few tears in his eyes and asked nandini with low voice....

Manik: what happened?

Nandini just creased his beard with her free hand and spoke out.... 

Nandini: just felt some pain in my chest and after that all of a sudden the head started to ache then i fall unconscious!

Manik kissed her palm letting out a few tears on which nandini wiped it with her thumb...

Manik: don't ever do that to me again! Never!

Saying so he just sat beside her and kept his head on her shoulder making nandini move her hand in his hair.... she then looked at her som who was looking at her only with moist eyes...

Nandini: I am fine mera bacha!

Aayush walked to her with avni in his arm and kissed her forehead mumbling....

Aayush: I Love You Mama!
Nandini: Mama Loves You More!

And then nandini looked at Ridhima and then back to Aayush saying...

Nandini: take her home, she needs rest!
Ridhima: I am fine ma!

Ridhima spoke on which nandini just eyed Aayush to take her still creasing manik's head who was laying close to his wife with closed eyes and his legs handing down from the bed....

Nandini: take her, your dad is here with me!

Aayush looked at his wife and nodded his head to his mother... kissing her forehead once again Aayush spoke...

Aayush: ill tell mann to come with the car!

Saying so he looked at Ridhima and held her to stand up.... avni who was looking at everything looked at manik placing her head on her father's shoulder.... her grandpa was not laughing and smiling like he used to and thta made her silent.... he didn't even picked her up after coming inside.... so she turned to her father calling him...

Avni: baba!
Aayush: g meri jaan!

Aayush asked while Ridhima straightened her clothes in the mean time... avni looked at manik and then at her father asking...

Avni: grandpa?

Aayush looked at his father before looking back at his daughter and spoke...

Aayush: grandpa is fine! He will play with you after coming home!

Avni pouted and again looked at her grandparents as they walked out.... after they walked out nandini called out manik peaking his hair....

Nandini: manik!

Manik didn't said anything neither he moved away on which nandini called him again...

Nandini: manik look at me!

Manik finally sat up looking down at nandini's hand which was in his with his face still filled with worry and moist eyes.... nandini gripped on his hand saying....

Nandini: i am fine! Nothinb is going to happen to me!

Manik looked at nandini with tears in his eyes and mumbled...

Manik: I won't let anything happen to you ever! Never! I Love You So Much!

Nandini creased his hand and wispered....

Nandini: I Know!

And manik again laid down beside her not saying anything....


Ridhima kept looking at Aayush who was sitting quietly on the couch while Avni was sitting on the carpeted floor playing with her toys... Ridhima looking at her daughter for one more time before she placed her hand on Aayush shoulder calling him....

Ridhima: Aayush?

Aayush looked at his wife on which Ridhima rubbed her hand over his shoulder saying....

Ridhima: bua is fine now!

Aayush closed his eyes throwing his head on back while Ridhima kept looking at him.... after a few seconds he moved closer to Ridhima and placed his head on Ridhima chest wrapping his arm around her waist with his one hand on her baby bump rubbing a thumb over it... Ridhima held her husband close to her kissing his head when Aayush spoke...

Aayush: I can't see mama is pain! You know when you called me in the afternoon I felt my body shaking listening that mama is fainted with sweat! I can't lose her! We can't! Not me not mann not nia and most importantly dad!

Ridhima rubbed her hand on his back kissing his head once again and spoke...

Ridhima: we won't lose her, she is with us and she will stay with us! Be strong for mamu! For Bua and for mann and nia!

Aayush just let out the lone tear as he remembered his mother laying on that hospital bed with sqeezed eyes and a drip attached to her body... Aayush snuggled more to his wife's chest who gathered him in her arms.....


Hey from the author!
After so long!
Hope it was up to the mark!
Do let me know about the update!


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