Chapter 28

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2 Days Later:

Aayush was in his room getting ready after waking up late in the morning... Ridhima with Avni were already downstairs as they woke up early... Aayush dropped the hair brush on the vanity table before walking out of the room... he was stepping down the stairs when Ridhima's hurtful groan reached his ear... and in an immediate second he ran down to the living room...

he reached there to see nandini checking Ridhima sitting beside her who was having her hand on her baby bump and Alisha was standing on her other side... while Ronit was sitting on his wheel chair and Avni was looking at her mother who was having tears in her eyes... mann picked her up in his arms...

Aayush ran to Ridhima and sat in front her on the floor holding her hand... Ridhima looked at Aayush with painful expressions holding his hand in her death grip... Aayush moved his gaze to his mother who at the same time looked at him telling him...

Nandini: have to take her to the hospital!

Aayush just stood up and ran out taking the car keys to take out the car from the garage... nandini looked at alisha saying...

Nandini: get the bag it is in avni's room!

And alisha ran upstairs after which nandini looked at ronit telling him while helping Ridhima to stand up...

Nandini: dad you stay home, i will call manik and he will take you to hospital!

Ronit: okay, just be with her!

By the time Ridhima stood up when mann looked at avni who sniffed and saw avni crying looking at Ridhima...

Avni: mama!

She said in a low voice which was heard by mann... he hugged her moving her head to rhe other side...

Mann: bunny, mama is fine!

He looked ahead to see Aayush came there and even alisha... Aayush was helping Ridhima to walk out who was having pains.... when Ridhima asked him in painful voice...

Ridhima: avu?

Aayush immediately looked around and saw avni in mann's arms who was rocking her... he looked at his mother...

Aayush: mama take her to the car!

Saying so he walked to mann and picked up avni calling her...

Aayush: Avni!

But avni just asked him with teary eyes...

Avni: mama cry!

Aayush wipe down the tear from his daughter's cheek and said...

Aayush: mama is going to be fine! You stay with chachu okay?

Avni nodded in no hugging him...

Avni: baba!

Aayush kissed her head and looked at mann... nodding at him he was out to see nandini closed the door of the passenger seat where Ridhima sat... and on the back seat alisha sat and nandini joined her...

Aayush directly walked to driver side of the car with avni and sat inside making avni sit on his lap... avni looked at her mother while his father started the car... Ridhima held her small hand in her swollen one...

Ridhima: avu!

Avni leaned to her father who pushed the accelerator and kept looking at her mother... nandini just smiled and didn't asked for acni coz she knew she won't come and even Aayush won't give her to anyone for now as she was being sensitive for time being....


Avni: baba, mama!

Avni asked for the nth time from Aayush sitting beside nandini looking at Aayush who was taking rounds from here and there while alisha sat beside nandini...

Aayush sat in front avni and held her small hands in his telling her...

Aayush: mama is going to come soon! Okay? You know where mama gone?

Avni nodded in no on which Aayush kissed her small palm and told her with a big smile...

Aayush: mama is gone to bring your baby sister!
Avni: shishtar? (Sister)

Aayush chuckled with the two ladies and nodded her head and told her further...

Aayush: yes avu's sister! Mama told you right?

Avni nodded her head and Aayush cupping her face kissed her forehead... just then a nurse came to call him...   

Aayush: now stay with granny, I will come with your sister!

Avni looked at nandini who held her close with a smile... avni passed him a smile and leaned to nandini... Aayush looked at his mother who was looking at him and node his head... after that he went inside the OT with the nurse...

Aayush came inside the OT after wearing the gown and the cap... he walked to Ridhima and held her hand making her open her eyes... Ridhima was laying down with her eyes closed after a long contraction hit her... she looked at her husband who kissed her forehead mumbling...

Aayush: I Love You!

Ridhima smiled lightly... before asking him..

Ridhima: avu?
Aayush: she is waiting for her sister!

Ridhima chuckled lightly before the doctor came inside and after a fee seconds Ridhima's contraction hit her the doctor asked her to push....
after 38 mins of dealing with pain Ridhima delivered their second daughter, Aleeha Aayush Malhotra!

Aleeha who was first held by her father just like her sister after the doctor... Aayush cried with a big smile as he saw his daughter with his wife... Ridhima touched her soft cheek making her lean to her touch... while Aayush adorned the duo just like he did with his avni....


Like finally i wrote the chapter!
How was it?
Total chapters of the story is 40!
So yes it will be completed in July!


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