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Me and Adam had just broken up and I felt like my heart was gonna just stop beating any minute now. We had been dating since peewees, so about 4 years. We never really had fights or anything but I caught him cheating with the school slut and Mindy at a party last weekend. Like of all people, he had to choose her? Riley and Luis weren't very happy with him either. Luis had actually gotten into a fight with Adam in the lock room after practice, and for some reason I felt bad for Adam. I didn't like that Luis fought him because Adam isn't really that type of guy. But I never thought he was the type of guy to cheat either. After the fight I just left I couldn't stand being there with him he looks like he's doing perfectly fine without me too. Once I got home and laid in bed and listened to the whole "Sour" album by Olivia Rodrigo. I didn't know if I was more angry, or sad but I definitely felt both. I was just listening to my music when I heard my bedroom window open. It was Adam. Of course. Ever since we were younger he always entered through my bedroom, not the front door. My mom didn't really like the fact that my best friend was a guy so he wasn't allowed around, but that besides the point.

"What do you want?" I ask rather rudely

"You. I miss you and I'm sorry I hurt you. What I did was stupid and I didn't do it because I didn't love you or because I wanted her...I was drunk and she was all over me and it just happened and I'm truly from the bottom of my heart sorry."

From the look on his face I could tell he meant it and that he was going to start crying. I hated seeing him cry, it broke me.

"How am I supposed to trust that you won't cheat on me again one day when you're drunk or high or whatever? How can I know that you'll never deliberately hurt me again?"

He stood there silently. And so did I.

"I'll stop going to parties. I'll stop drinking. I'll do whatever you want me to y/n! Just please...don't leave me. Don't end us. I love you.."

I know what people say 'once a cheater, always a cheater' but I really believed Adam. He had never done anything like this to me before and he wasn't even really a big drinker, if anything I was in the relationship so I didn't think that would be a problem.

"I forgive you, but I can't forget. It will take some time to gain back my trust but I don't want us to end either, I love you."

Adam then grabbed my face and pulled it close. Our faces were inches apart. He stared into my eyes for a second, I had no idea what he was thinking and that's when he kissed me. It was soft and passionate. It was amazing.

And then he pushed me onto the bed, on top of me with one arm on each side of me. I was nervous about what was going to happen next. He kissed Me and made his way down to my neck, then collarbone, then he lifted my shirt and left marks all over my stomach...

That's it for this short imagine, I don't know what I'm doing but I'm kinda into so just go with it lol
~Xoxo B

Adam Banks imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now