All Alone

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Adam and I have been married since we were 23 and we are now 25. We have 3 kids two boys and a girl; Cade, Jeremiah, and Chyler.  We had Cade fresh out of high school, Jeremiah a year later, and Chyler a few months ago. Adam's been playing like crazy for the Minnesota Wild and he hasn't been around. I have to cook, clean, take care of the kids, shop for them, go to their conferences etc. I never had help because he was always working or doing something for work. I tried asking his parents but they were always traveling and I didn't have any family in Edina to help me.

I was making dinner currently while trying to keep the boys entertained without waking Chyler. "Boys! Stop yelling, go watch TV or something!" I yell and they run into the living room. I was making tacos, a quick and easy meal. I hear Chy crying so I make my way to her room. "Hi baby" I pick her up and shush her, rocking her back and forth. "Are you hungr-" I'm cut off by the sound of something hitting the floor. "Oh no" I run out of her bedroom to find the boys standing in the kitchen looking at me wide eyed. "Sorry mama..." J says and I sigh at the sight of my taco meat all over the floor. "Go to your rooms" I say weakly. I had zero energy to yell. I placed the baby in her bassinet and started cleaning up the kitchen.

Just then Adam walks in the door. "Baby?" He yells out and walks into the kitchen. "Geez what happened in here?" He laughs and I look up at him. "Grab Chy's bottle on the counter and take her to bed" I say looking back down at the mess my sons have created. He doesn't say anything but does as I told him. I was annoyed at the fact that he thought it wasn't as big of a deal as it was. I heard him close Chylers door and go talk to the boys. Al i could hear was my three boys laughing and talking. It was music to my ears. They miss their dad. He comes back into the kitchen and I'm just about done cleaning. I stand up and walk to him "Can you make them a sandwich or something? I need a shower and just to relax." He shakes his head. "Baby I have to shower and relax too. I've been working-" "Oh my gosh. Forget I asked." I turn around and start to make the boys a sandwich and Adam goes into our room. I hear the shower start and I scoff at how he really just said that. "Boys come get your food!" I yell and they sit at the dining room table that we barely ever use together as a family.

I go into our shared bedroom as Adam comes out the shower. He only had a towel on and he looked so good. His hair and chest was wet and his resting bitch face was so hot.(lol) "Adam I can't do this anymore." I say and that gets his attention real quick. "What do you mean?" He says as he puts some sweats on. "All I do is go go go. I never have a second to sit down and enjoy being alone, or time with my kids, or time with you! You're never here and when you are you 'need to relax' need to make some phone calls' 'need me to do something for work'. It's like you- like you.." I sit down and begin to cry. He comes over to me and tries to comfort me but it doesn't work. "Like I what?" He whispers. "Like you only have me here to take care of you and your kids, or to pleasure you. You want a machine. Someone to work for you and I can't do that!" I start to yell but I don't want to wake the baby or worry the boys. "God no! That's not what it's like at all." "BUT IT IS!" I yell back and he starts to cry too.

"When was the last time we went on a date? Or had dinner together as a family?" I now start to quiet down, "When was the last time you held your baby without me asking you to? You know, she smiled for the first time the other day...and you weren't here." I feel bad for making him feel bad but I needed to get this off my chest. "Maybe we should split up Adam..." his head shoots up from looking at the floor. "No! No we're not doing that. I love you Y/n, and our family. I can't lose you baby." He pulls me into a big bear hug and we cry even more. "I'll do whatever I can to be home more. I'll tell everyone my work hours are from 9-5. No more phone calls after that, no more spending my time on things that aren't you and the kids." I know his work is important but we need him here too. "Really? You promise?" He smiles and wipes my tears away, "I promise darling" just then the boys bust down the door and tackle us on the bed.

"MAMA" J yells and Cade yells "DADDY" he was such a daddy's boy. Jeremiah and Chyler definitely favored their mama more. "Oh my J, you're so heavy" I pull him off of me and cuddle with him next to me, and Cade next to him. Adam got up to turn off the lights and he put 'Tim Burton's Corpse Bride' on the tv. He left the room and came back in with Chyler. "Shh" he tells the boys and he lies down with Chy on his bare chest. I look at them in awe. I missed this. The boys cuddled up with me and we spent the rest of the night watching movies on Disney +.

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