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(Talks about abuse)

Me and Adam we're driving to our game, and he was super stressed. "We gotta win this one Y/n! I have to win or else my dads gonna be pissed" I place my hand on his and he pulls away. What the fuck.

~At 3rd period in the game~

Our whole game all I could think about was how Adam pulled away from me in the car. It might seem small but it meant something. We only had a less than 20 seconds left in the game we were tied. I'm headed down the ice with the puck and I pass it to Adam last second. She shoots and...he- SCORES! I skate up to him and he pulls me into a hug. "WE DID IT!" He yells in excitement to me.

After we all cheered and shook hands with the other team, we went into the locker room to get changed. Me and Adam we're the last ones left. "Good job Banksie" I peck him on the lips. "Thanks Y/n/n. It's all thanks to you, I wouldn't have made that if you didn't pass it to me." "You're right. I take all the credit for winning this game" I laugh

Then suddenly Mr. Banks comes bursting through the door, "ADAM! Let's go, NOW!" He yells at him. I can tell Adam is upset. "Hi Mr. Banks" I smile and he barely acknowledged me and walked out. "Sorry hun, I'll call you later. I love you" he kisses me goodbye "I love you"

~At home~

It's been a few hours and he still hasn't called me. I was getting worried so I went to go talk to my brother Dean. "Dean, Adam was supposed to call me and he never did and I'm a little worried because his dad was being mean earlier." He looks up at me from the couch "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he's fine and he will call you eventually. He probably has a good reason, he's a good guy." That actually helped me. I wasn't so worried anymore.

It was about 11pm now and my parents were in bed. Me and Dean we're in the living room watching 'Friends'. He had fallen asleep so I went up to my room and just as I walked in, Adam was climbing through my window. "Adam!" I whisper yell, to not wake anyone up. I hug him and he groans. I pull away to observe his face, he was all beat up. Black eye, bloody lip and cheek, bruised.

"Baby..." he lays down on my bed and I walk into my en suite to grab a wet rag. "We got into a fight" "Over what?" I was a bit surprised because they always seemed so close. "You" he looks at me wordily. I dab at his cuts "Me? Why me?" "He thinks you're a distraction and take up too much of my time. He doesn't think I've been playing to my full potential lately.."

I'm not sure what to think of this. I mean we do spend all the time we possibly can together but that's because we have no classes together at school except for one, we don't get to see each other much at lunch, and at practice we practice, not socialize.

"Im sorry baby I- I don't know what to say" I tear up but I really don't want to cry. "Don't say anything, it's not your fault. He just puts too much pressure on me. He compares me to my brother all the time and has crazy high expectations. I'm just not good enough." "Adam Banks, you're more than good enough. You're the best hockey player in our age group in the state! Scouts come to our games just for you. You exceed all expectations set for you besides your dads, don't you think that means something? He's too hard on you. He expects something you can't give him. And that's not because you're not good enough, it's because you're not there in your hockey career just yet, that's all"

I could tell he wanted to smile but I don't think his face will let him. He's in a lot of pain. "Thank you for that sweetheart. I love you more than anything" he pulls my forehead to his and we sit there for a second. I finished cleaning him up and gave him something for his pain. I laid down next to him, "so what happened? Like when you got in the car and at home?"

"Well," he starts "when we got in the car, it was mostly silent. But when we got to the house it was just him and I. He was yelling at me telling me that he doesn't like you and that you probably just use me for money and stuff and that you bring out the worse in me." 'ouch' I thought. "And I yelled at him back, defending you, and he gave me this beautiful shiner right here" he says pointing to his eye. "He told me I've definitely lost my mind if I'm yelling at him and it's probably because you're a bad influence. And that I'm worthless if I can't play any better. And that's when I pushed him out of my way because I was gonna leave. But then he really started hitting me, and he wouldn't stop. Then my mom walked in and got him to stop. I was pretty bad at this point. I could barely move."

He lifted up his shirt and he had bruises all over his stomach. "Oh my god Adam. You can't go back there! He's gonna kill you, what if your mom hadn't came home!?" I was so worried. I just wanted to hug him and tell him it would get better but I know it would hurt him more than help. "Y/n, he wouldn't kill me. He loves me and I love him, it's just that I was giving him a hard time. You of all people should understand."

He was right. My mom abuses me but I still love her. I don't know why but I do. "Stay here for a while then. At least until you heal. I wanna be here for you." "I cannot do that baby, I have to go home because they're gonna make me come back eventually. I'll be okay. I promise sweetheart."
I should be comforting him, not vise versa. I kissed and hugged him ever so gently and we lied down on my bed.

"And about me pulling my hand away earlier, I did it because I was starting to believe what my dad was saying about you. I know that sounds horrible but I felt like maybe you actually were the problem when in reality, it's him. I'm so sorry Y/n/n. I'll never doubt you and our love again!" He kisses me and I say "it's okay, I know where you're coming from." And after that, we both drifted off to sleep.

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