Meeting the Parents

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Adam and Y/n are in their mid 20s in this

Today was the day Adam would be meeting my parents and I'd be meeting his. Him and I have been dating for almost a year now and we've decided that now is a good time to introduce each other to our families. It's taken us so long because our parents live in a different state then us. They live in Minnesota and we live in LA. Plus I was pregnant so they'd meet him sooner or later. We live in LA because Adam plays pro here for the LA Kings and let me tell you, it's amazing. I mean yeah Adam is gone a lot but I always go to his games and when I'm bored I can always just take a walk on Rodeo Dr. but we do live in a nice condo in Beverly Hills so I'm also comfortable just staying there by myself.

"Excited about tonight?" I ask Adam setting up the table. Our parents were coming here since I was too pregnant to travel. And we were all going to Adams game tomorrow. "Yeah, I actually am. Your parents seem great. And my parents are so excited to see you. Especially my mom, she's wanted a grand-baby for a long time." He smiles widely and finishes cooking our dinner. He was making us Italian tonight. "I'm so nervous. My parents can be a little much sometimes." I chuckle nervously. Adam comes up behind me and caresses my arms and kisses my cheek, "Relax. Everything will be fine." Then the doorbell rang. "They're here!" I yell and waddle over to the door. I was very pregnant and very big.

"Mom! Dad!" I hug my parents and tell them I miss them. "Guys, this is Adam." I smile and pull Adam to me. He shakes their hands, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n. Very nice to meet you both!" I smile at him. "We're glad to finally meet you. You're even more handsome in person!" My mother says grabbing his face and pecking him on the lips. Yup, that's right. The lips. "MOM" I pull her away from him, back to dad. I look at Adam and his face is in shock and he laughs nervously. "Y/d/n (your dads name), Nice to meet you" he holds out his hand and Adam shakes it. "Let's go sit" I say and we walk into the dining area. "Oh my Y/n, you've gotten huge! I hope you know your body won't be what it used to after you have your baby. You're gonna have all this extra skin and fat-" I cut her off, "Mother, I know." My parents and I sit down and the doorbell rings again. Adam walks to the door and opens it, "Hi guys!" He hugs them and walks them over to the table. "Mom dad, this is Y/n and her parents Y/m/n and Y/d/n." I stand up to hug his parents "Wow Y/n, you're glowing! And beautiful." She smiles at me and hugs me. I knew she'd be super sweet. "I'm Phil" Adams dad says and he hugs me too.

We all sit down and begin eating. "So Y/n, what plans do you have for yourself? Like career wise." Mrs. Banks asks me and I nervously answer, "Well, me and Adam talked and we actually decided that being a stay at home mom would work out for us." I smile and nod at her. My dad looks at me angrily, "Are you kidding? You had hopes and dreams and goals for yourself your whole life. And what? You throw it all away for a guy?" Adam looks down embarrassed and scared about what my dad might now think of him. "Dad, my priorities have changed and I have other dreams and goals now. I want to raise our kids and maybe one day get a job just to have something else to do. We're taken care of financially so why get a job if I don't need to? And I really wouldn't have the time to anyways." I say back to him and Adam calms down. His parents look scared of my dad though. Everyone's scared of him. My mom then butts into the conversation "She's doing what a woman should do Y/d/n. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids..". Adam decides to chime in, which makes me nervous. "Well she can do whatever she wants. I didn't tell her this is what she had to do. She makes her own choices and I'm just supporting her." I smile to myself at how greatly he handled that situation. "Right." I add "I make my own choices. And mom, don't say that kind of stuff. That's misogynistic." We all sit there silently and I know Adams parents wished they weren't here right now. Honestly Adam and I did too.

"Adam never told me Y/n, is it a boy or girl?" Mr. Banks asked. I smile and rub my tummy, "It's a boy!" I say excitedly. "Yep, he's gonna be just like me." Adam adds and his parents smile. Mrs. Banks then said "I can't wait to have a grandson. He's gonna be great at hockey, just like you and your brother Adam." We all smile but I look over to my parents and I can tell something is bothering them. "What?" I ask blandly. "Nothing, just overwhelmed with excitement" my mom answers and we all go back to talking.


After dinner our parents all went back to their hotels and me and Adam spent time together in the backyard looking out at the sunset. "Well that was...interesting" he says breaking the silence. "Yeah it was. I don't plan on you ever having to see my parents again after this whole trip." I joke to him, rubbing my belly. He then sits in front of me and rubs my belly too. "He's gonna have one hell of a crazy family" he looks up at me. "Not family, grandparents. He's gonna have crazy grandparents" I smile to him. He kisses my bump and pulls me up from the chair "let's go to bed Y/n". We walk back inside and go up to our room to later fall asleep.

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