All Alone Pt. 2

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Today Adam and I were finally going to go on a date for the first time in quite a few months. All the kids were at his parents house, staying for the weekend so we could have some time to ourselves. We got dressed up pretty elegantly but also sexily. "Babe! You ready?" Adam calls out and I walk out of our room in my tight black Lacey dress with my bag in my hand. He looked me up and down with pure lust in his eyes. "Damn Y/n." He pulled me to him and kissed me, "Can't wait to rip that off you when we get home." He smirks causing me to chuckle.

We get outside and he opens the car door for me. I guess he really wanted to get out of the dog house. I forgave him but he still worked a lot. Not only from 9-5 but he also always had something to do at home that had to do with work. But it's not as bad as it was a month ago. "Thank you" I smile and he shuts the door once I get in. He gets in too and begins to drive to the restaurant. I look over at my husband and admire how handsome he looks. He's wearing a nice suit with some nice shoes. He had just gotten his hair cut so he decided to actually style it tonight. His jawline looked razor sharp and his nose was cuter than ever. I always loved his nose so I was really happy when the boys got it. "What?" Adam chuckled and I snapped out of my thoughts realizing he caught me staring, "I'm just— I feel so lucky right now." I gush and he places his hand on my thigh as he continues driving.

When we get to the restaurant, valet takes our car and we seat in the back of the restaurant. I was observing the place and it was really nice. But I'm not surprised, Adam loved going places like this. We both took a look at the menu and he decided to get steak and I chose to get crab legs. As we waited for our food, we began conversating, "My parents were so excited to have the kids for the weekend. They want to take them to Six Flags in Gurnee." He says with a look on his face. "Oh god, the boys are gonna either love it or hate it. I hope they can handle them." I chuckle and he does too. I missed laughing with him and talking about our babies. His face turns more serious, "I missed my babies. Chy is growing up so fast. I can't believe she's already almost 10 months...I missed a lot" he says sadly and I frown. "Adam, I know you're upset with yourself but there's still so much to look forward to. We have the rest of our lives to spend with them and that's what we'll do." I smile at him and he smiles back.
Our food comes to us and we begin to eat. Of course I take a few bites of his and he does the same to me. All night we laughed and joked around and talked about the kind of grandparents we'll be. I was having the best night of my life.

As soon as Adam and I got home he did exactly what he had mentioned before, he ripped my dress off. Well he unzipped it, then pulled it off me. It was an expensive dress. He picked me up and brought me into our bedroom lying me down on the bed gently. He took off his clothes and as he did that I took my bra and panties off. He smirked at me with a look in his eyes.


Adam and I lied in bed for a while relaxing. My head was on his chest and he had his arm wrapped around under me tickling my back. He kissed my forehead and looked at me, "I'll never neglect you again baby." "Why because I'm the best sex you'll ever have?" I question jokingly and he laughs. "Exactly." He kisses me once more and we go back to our cuddling session.

Idrk how I feel about this💀
Leave requests tho

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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