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Today me and Adam were going to babysit my neighbor's son Corey and their daughter Calliope. He was such a sweet boy. I had babysat him before a few times and he's great. He's gonna love Adam too. I walked downstairs after getting dressed, about to head next door but I wanted to grab a water to bring.

"You leaving?" My step dad asked. "Yeah I'm just grabbing a water." Dean, my brother, walked in as I start to walk away but my step dad stops me, "Hold on. We need to establish some ground rules." I roll my eyes. "Well I don't really have any rules just don't do anything stupid, you know?" I knew exactly what he was insinuating. "It's not like they don't already do that" Dean laughed. "You're sick. Talking about my sex life-" "LIFE? You guys have done it more than- you know what? Just go, I'll see you later" I can tell he's grossed out so I laugh "bye guys"

When I step outside I see Adam pull up. "Hi beautiful" he smiles and gets out the car, "hey handsome" I say back and kiss him.

We walk up to their door and they open it before we even knock. "Hi guys! So glad you could sit for us." Mrs. Henson smiles, " my husband's already waiting in the car, thank you for watching him for us tonight. He's all ready for bed and Cal is in the living room bassinet." "Sounds good, bye! Have a great time" I yell out to them as they drive away. I was already 8:30 so I had to get Corey to bed.

"I'm going to go out him down, so watch her while I'm gone." I smile and he looks at her, then me a little nervously. "Your gonna be fine, she seems pretty calm right now" I go up stairs and find Corey laying in his bed with a book picked out "Green Eggs and Ham kind of night, huh?" He smiles big "it's my favorite"

Adams POV

I was sitting on the couch doing nothing so I turned the TV on and 'Friends' was on, it's my favorite show. I looked over at Callie and she was just looking around, smiling a little here and there. I decided to pick her up and play with her a little bit. She was smiling and cooing so much, it made me want a baby of my own.

"What's up" Y/n says peppy behind me. "Just wanted to play with her." I continue to tickle her softly. "What were you thinking about?" She asks and I freeze, not sure if I should tell her I think about what it would be like to have a family with her. "Nothing" I know she knows I'm lying but I don't wanna scare her away.


It has been a couple hours since we got here. The Henson's said they'd be a couple more, which was okay with me. I watched Adam play with Callie earlier and it was the cutest thing. I really wanted to know what he was thinking though. "I still wanna know what you were thinking earlier, when you hesitated to tell me what you were thinking" his face relaxed a little "I didn't know if I wanted to tell you what I was really thinking or not. I was imagining what our life would be like together, I think about that a lot. I didn't want to scare you so I didn't tell you." I blush, really hard. "That's so sweet," I get closer to him and he places his hand on my knee, "I think about that all the time too! I didn't know boys did that" we both laughed.

"So how do you see our future?" I ask curiously. "Well I see us living in a nice big house, here in Minneapolis. We have a cat and a dog, like two or three kids, and I'm in the NHL playing for Minnesota Wild, and your a (your profession of choice)." 'Wow' I thought, he had really given it a lot of thought. "Well I want five kids, not three" I state and his eyes grow big and we laugh. "I can do 5, as long as I'm with you" he kisses my forehead. "But besides that," I start "I see our life the exact same way you do."

Callie begins to cry so Adam grabs her and I go get a bottle. When I come back, Adam is holding her on his chest. Standing, swaying back and forth 'shhh'ing her. My heart melts at the sight. 'This is the man I'm going to marry' I think. He hands her to me and I feed her. He takes out his phone and takes a picture of us together. "Why'd you do that?" I smile  "Because this is the cutest thing I've ever seen"

~Time skip to when they leave~

"Wanna stay the night? My parents don't mind" I ask "yeah I'd love to" Adam answers and we walk up to my bedroom. I hand him his half of what the Henson's payed me "Keep it Y/n, I don't need it" I put it in my wallet and give Adam some pjs of Deans to borrow and he changes in my room, and I begin to do the same. I strip in front of Adam and I look over and he's staring at my body, "like what you see Banksie? Pictures last longer" I smirk. "Are you giving me permission to take pictures of you half naked?" He gets excited and I think about it for a second. After hearing everything he said earlier about us having a future together, I let him take a couple pictures. And he's of course ecstatic. There was one of me posing in front of him, and one of me straddling him, facing the opposite way of him with him grabbing my ass. "This one is definitely going to be Home Screen" he smiles so big.

I laugh and cuddle up next to him falling asleep on his chest. "I love you Adam Banks" "I love you Y/n Banks" I feel him smiling on my head.

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