Magic Is A Cinnamon Roll

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Zack: Hey Magic!! I challenge you to a video game battle!!

Magic: How do you battle with video games?

Zack: No, a battle inside the game!

Magic: How do you battle inside a game?

Zack: Just take the God damn controller.......!!


Zack: Haha!! I win! In your face!!

Magic: Huh? Is there something in my face?

Zack: Man, you're no fun to talk around!

Magic: Why would you think that?

Zack: Because it's true! Hard to believe that two people with such a bad temper as your parents can have a child like....... You!!

Magic: Well, Lunar-Cat genes can kinda-!

Zack: Leave me alone with that stuff!! You told me that like a billion times already!

Magic: But do you ever listen?

Zack: No, of course not!

Magic: Then I don't see the problem.....!

Zack: Wha-! The problem is that you gotta stop with your stupid genetic facts, because I won't listen anyways! So what's the damn point of constantly telling me!?

Magic:...... If you don't listen anyways, why are you so angry about it?

Zack: *can't come up with an argument against that*

Magic: *phone is ringing* Excuse me for a second.....! *walks away*

Zack:..... Did I just get owned by Magic?! MAGIC?!!


Magic: Hello?

Comet: *on the other side of the phone* Hey big brother! Dad just called me! It's time to go home!

Magic: Technically, there is no specific time where we have to return to our timeline, because there's no way they could know at which point in time we came back and-!

Comet: Big brother, mommy and daddy forbid you to talk too much about time and space, because it only confuses other people!

Magic: True.......!

Comet: Well, can you come pick me up? I'm currently in the Sky Joker!


Comet: Uh..... P-please hurry.....!

Magic: I'm on my way. *hangs up* Zack, Comet just called me. Her and I need to go home!

Zack: Aren't you the older sibling? It often seems like Comet is the one looking out for you!

Magic: Anyways, thank you for the fun day! See you soon! *teleports away*

Zack: What a weirdo.......!

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