Part 2, Chapter 7: (Y/N) Goes on a Date With Korone!

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Hey guys! sorry for the wait, school is getting to me right now, but I hope you all are ready for the second part of the chapter for chapter 8! And quick note before we start, I have a song written on this chapter, and the song above is suppose to be the song I'll remix it from to my own lyrics. I maybe a bit rusty again because I haven't written a song since (Y/N)'s debut during this book. So bear with me please! Also, Keywords real quick.
(ST/N) = Stage Name/Singer Name (Like what you want people to call you on stage instead of your name etc. Or you can just stick with your name I dont mind, just wanted to give the key word out a bit)
(E/C) = Your eye color
(SG/N) = Song Name
Anyways back to the story!

( No-one's POV )

As time passed by, With Korone and (Y/N) eating out in the restaurant with the help of Kiryu, Rushia, and Okayu in the process. Of course, things didn't go smoothly. But that doesn't mean the date was ruined. In fact, it made it better and alot more fun with some of the ups and down that happened.

While Kiryu was speaking to Rushia in English, She didn't know that the ear piece would pick up their conversation. And of course, (Y/N) thought that was the response to talk to Korone with it. (Let the imagination go wild with the convo lol) And when (Y/N) was talking to Korone with the lines of Kiryu, Korone was doing the same with Okayu. As she also accidentally left her ear piece on talking to Kiryu, and Rushia.

So the conversation was all over the place for a while until (Y/N) and Korone both realized at the same time that they weren't talking to them. Time passed, they were getting ready to leave. But before they were about to leave. Korone decided that she wanted to hear (Y/N) sing again, even tho' her English isn't perfect, she gets her motivation of wanting to learn English For/From (Y/N). And the feeling was Mutual for (Y/N) as well but for learning Japanese.

Fortunately, for Korone, (Y/N) agreed on singing for her once again. An hour or two later, they were at (Y/N)'s house. Kiryu and Okayu are still stalking them, while Rushia did a "Rushia" and got bored, tired, and then  just left to go back home.

(Y/N) already had a special beat for this moment and also and his lyrics ready to go, he set up the beats, recording systems and all of the other stuff you need for a studio, But he turned back to see Korone with a "Amazed/wow" type of face.

(Y/N): Korone, you okay?

Korone snaps back to reality and noticed (Y/N) getting ready to make a song. She nodded and responded back in English.

Korone: Yes! I is Okay!

(Y/N): Just checking, you seem zoned out over there right now.

Korone: Eh... Auto-Zone?

(Y/N): Nevermind... You ready at least?

Korone: Oh!! Yes, am redy!

(Y/N): Alright, let's go.

( Start song here to follow along with my lyrics )

Lyrics: (SG/N) Or Default Name "Days Of Mines"

Pre-Hook: (Y/N)
I'm only a ghost when I walk outside,
And when I'm in my bed I'm a nobody...
Bags under (E/C) eyes even when I ain't exh-au-sted...
Days of mines are only filled with stressful anxieties...

Verse 1: (Y/N)
Every morning feels painful,
Every step feels helpless,
I just dont understand,
My calls for help feels hollow,
Like if my feelings was just shallow,
Everything is just mellowed down,

Bridge 1: (Y/N)
But I finally met the one that wouldn't cause me harm,
I found the women that wouldn't leave cause of a cricket in the wallet I carry,
I may not be perfect but I swear I can change your life,
Sometimes we gotta feel the pain if we wanna feel the love...

Hook 1: (Y/N)
Sometimes it's hard to be yourself,
Because its usually better to be someone else instead,
Cause these Days of Mines just proves it otherwise...
I'd rather sleep forever then being dead,
Because the day when I wake up right now,
Will be the day someone cares for me,
It's easier most of the time to be different,
Then being the same like I've always been...

Verse 2: (Y/N)
It's hard to keep the truth when you always spoke the lies,
Saying that "I'm fine" with a smile that was filled with sorrows,
I'd usually get away with it all of the time,
Until I just start to break down right around your arms,
People say (SN/N) is just a name when it's my life,
I thrive off of it-If I revert back to my oldself,
I just be a worse lesser version of myself,
And I dont wanna be my oldself anymore...

Bridge 2: (Y/N)
I dont wanna die I just wanna feel like I'm alive,
I dont wanna cut because pain is just the part of life,
If I let the pain loose from my veins I just let even more inside,
If I'd ever told the truth I'll just show negativity...

Hook 2: (Y/N)
Sometimes it's hard to be yourself,
Because its usually better to be someone else instead,
Cause these Days of Mines just proves it otherwise...
I'd rather sleep forever then being dead,
Because the day when I wake up right now,
Will be the day someone cares for me,
It's easier most of the time to be different,
Then being the same like I've always been...

( End song now )

After the song, their was silence. Korone sat there in Awe watching/listening to (Y/N) sing. Even tho' if she barely understood it, she really enjoyed listening to (Y/N)'s voice in general. Then out of nowhere, Kiryu rushes inside the studio room and hugs bawling her eyes out while listening to you through the ear piece and the same goes for Okayu as she heard you through Korone's Earpiece.


Okayu: Anata no koe wa subarashikattadesu! Doko de utau koto o manabimashita ka?! ( YOUR VOICE WAS AMAZING! WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO SING? )

(Y/N)/Korone: How did you get inside of my house!? And where did you came from?! / Dō yatte ie no naka ni haitta no!? Soshite, naze anata wa doa o kayotte basuto shita nodesu ka!?  ( How did you get inside the house?! And why did you bust through the door?! )

After a long time of explaining things. Stuff finally calmed down, as an hour passed by messing around inside of (Y/N)'s house until it was time to say goodbye and time to leave. Kiryu, Okayu, and Korone all decided to leave together.

But before Korone left through (Y/N)'s front door, She turned around quickly to kiss (Y/N) on the cheek and ran off to join the others leave. (Y/N) stood their dumbfounded, wondering what just happened. Until it finally kicks in as he closes the door and yells.

And scene, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! And also enjoyed the song I wrote for the chapter too! I try to make all my songs as relatable as possible to the reader/character/myself as I can. And sorry for the small interaction with the other characters, I wanted to fit the song in without it also making the chapter way to long, but anyways. Like I said, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll talk to you all in the next one!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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