Chapter 1: The New Face In Hololive JP!

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So as you guys already know by reading the description. (Y/N) does not speak Japanese what-so-ever. So communication with Korone and others JP members with bad grammar in English will be difficult for each other. Oh also, this (Y/N) is gonna be a similar concept too my Amelia x (Y/N) book but just looks different so just a heads up.

( No-one's POV )

It was a in the middle of a Kiryu Coco stream. She was speaking english as she was breaking out the news too the hololive community.

Kiryu: Okay, Guys! Today! We have a new member coming too hololive today! And instead of the new member is always consisting of girls. We tried to mix things up and bring in a boy!

As the news of a new Hololive JP member was released from Kiryu Coco, every one in her chat was going crazy at least the ones that understood. But she wasn't done with her announcements just yet.

Kiryu: Now! I know you're all asking yourselves "When is he gonna debut?". Well he's gonna debut tomorrow!

And right after that, people in the chat started either asking questions or just in general excited for another member that's coming too Hololive JP.

Cocohips98: Say less.

Ahoym1ne: So we're all agreeing were gonna be in the new members stream?

ChamaHaa32: Is it gonna be another Tamaki?

While the chat was busy hyping themselves up for the new Hololive JP member. The stream was soon going too end because she was already streaming for about two hours before she announced the news too the chat.

After Coco finished reading her superchats, she wrapped up the stream and got on a discord call with (Y/N) so they can have a little chat with each other before his big debut into Hololive JP.

Kiryu: Hey, (Y/N)! You ready for your debut?

(Y/N): Ehh... I'm a little nervous but I'm prepared for it.

Kiryu: Ah, dont be nervous. Everyone in hololive was nervous during there first debut!

(Y/N): Oh, really? And who was the ones that were nervous?

Kiryu: Let's see.... Me "Kind of", Usada Pekora, Igunami Korone, eh... everyone?

(Y/N): Makes sense...

Kiyru: Anyways! Just wanted too check up on you too see how you were doing.

(Y/N): Well, thanks for checking up on me.

Kiryu: Mhm... your welcome. Anyways, I'll talk too you later, I'm pretty tired after today's stream.

After they parted ways. Coco went too bed and (Y/N) went too bed also but had a hard time sleeping because of tomorrow's big stream.
And scene, sorry if it's less detailed than my Amelia x Reader book. I'm tryna figure out if I want the same concept as that book or just run a new concept. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of Korone x Reader! There will be more on the way soon, so stay tuned!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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