3 1 We Are Not Just Friends

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"JEVELENE!" Ariel opened the door to her room. It was dark and she wasn't there.
"I'm leaving for Alkinshime. Please don't look for me :3
I'm safe.
Jevelene," Nataniel read the note she had pasted on her door.

"Nataniel!" Ariel walked towards, "Please help me,"
Nataniel smiled, "Let's see what the snow has to say," His eyes glowed blue.

Jevelene walked over a hill, covered with melting snow and dense trees. She held a metal rod in her hand to help her walk in the snow. 'I wish I had the courage to ask you what you think of me,' Suddenly, a bear appeared before her, she stepped back and as the bear jumped towards her, a golden spear passed through its neck, killing it instantly, she recognized that golden glow.

"BITCH!" She heard a familiar scream and turned back. Ariel was running towards her. She looked at his face. His golden skin was shining in the dark. Was that a waking dream? She didn't want it to end, not that day, not ever. Everything seemed golden and his blue eyes, like fireflies inside a water lily played eternal music in her heart. Another brave year with him had passed. They were both eighteen now. He got closer to her and she could imagine him reach her and hug her tightly.

He reached her and slapped her face, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

All the music in her head stopped and all she could hear was her heartbeat. Her cheek grew red from the pain and her eyes stared away in shock. It was not a dream. She looked at him and he grabbed her shoulders and shook her, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He grabbed her bag, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? NIGGA, AM I NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO BE MAD AT YOU AFTER WHAT YOU DID? HOW DID YOU EVEN ASSUME THAT I'M GONNA LEAVE YOU JUST CUZ OF THAT! AND WHERE WERE YOU GONNA GO? I SWEAR TO GOD, WOMAN! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING HANDFUL!"

She could hear him yell and at the same time, she couldn't. She never looked at him like that. How did she not know this euphoria she felt around him was because she was falling in love.

"I am,"

"...I felt alone. And I was trying my hardest not to act how I felt. Four years I stayed with you and you are still closer to someone who will never know you as much as I do. All those secrets and dreams we shared, I remember them. But I think you don't. And it hurts when you realize you weren't as important in someone's life as you thought you were! It hurts because we both know I still wasn't enough. I wish I could tell someone how I felt, but there was no one for me except a demon,"

"You could've told me! Aren't we friends?" Ariel asked.
"Friends? You left me alone at night in those woods, Ariel,"
"...Yeah but...You said you were fine the day after,"
"Just because I said I was fine, doesn't mean it didn't hurt. You literally just dropped me like a rock. You haven't been texting at all because you have Cyzarine now. You talk to her everyday,"
"Yeah she...Let's just say we're not dating anymore,"

"What?" Jevelene said as Ariel walked aside and sat on the snow, looking at the city lights shining before him. Jevelene sat beside him, "What happened?" She asked.
"I was baited. Thought she loved me but...She was playing me with her demigod,"
"...I'm sorry,"
He looked at her through his soft, blue eyes, "It's not your fault, it's mine,"

"Are you sad?" She asked.
"No, I just don't have the words. I can't express what or how I feel because I don't know how I feel. I just can't process the shit people do. Is it that hard to be fucking normal? Is it that hard to love someone without wanting anything in return? Is it that hard to not fucking disappoint me? Because apparently it really really is"

She looked down in guilt, "You see a person's true colours when you are no longer beneficial in their life,"

"All people do is disappoint me, Jevelene
Again and again and again. I don't wanna leave you and others behind because  apparently for some reason I do care. But if imma be honest, I really really wish I could just grab my shit and leave. Like the old me could, no feelings attached,"

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