7 5 The Beginning of the Universe

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Phobos held his flail and Nataniel felt the cold snow under him again. They were back in the real world, Phobos did not waste a second and jumped at Ariel with his diamond flail. Ariel crossed his arms in front of his face and the gold shackles deflected the god, "These won't save you!" Phobos yelled and continued slamming the flail on Ariel. The spikes of the flail were hitting Ariel on his skin, even after being deflected by the gold shackles.

Nataniel got up and made a snow spear, he ran at Phobos, who turned back and grabbed his spear. Then, he turned toward Ariel and smashed the flail on his arms, breaking both his elbows. Ariel sat back and groaned, "Ariel!" Nataniel yelled and Phobos kicked his spear, broking it into two. He grabbed Nataniel by his neck, "You are a child," He rose him up in the air and Nataniel kicked his feet in the air. He began freezing Phobos but he in turn melted the ice into diamonds, "You cannot defeat me, I am a god,"

He dug his nails into Nataniel's neck and threw him on the snow. He turned to look at Ariel, whose elbows were still healing. Nataniel couldn't feel his body anymore and simply looked at Phobos, hold his flail and slam it down on Ariel, "ARIEL!" He screamed and crawled towards him and the snow soaked in his blood, "Ariel! Ariel!"

Ariel's brows furrowed and he reached his hands to create a gold wall between them but the wall turned to diamond and shrunk back in, "You're weak, brother," He slammed the flail on his hands again to break his embows twice. Ariel fell on the ice and painfully reached his arms out to turn him to gold, but it didn't work because of the shackles. He couldn't turn anything living into gold, "What did I just say?"

He grabbed Ariel by his hair and tore his shirt off of his body, "You are weak," He slammed him on a rock, growing pointy diamonds at its surface. Nataniel felt his body slowly paralyse in the snow, he had lost much blood after the stabs given by Phobos and the rupture in his neck, with a bone protruding out of it, "Ariel..."
Phobos dug Ariel's arms into the pointed diamonds to hold him still. He grabbed his hair and pulled his neck back, looking into his eyes, "I would have loved you, brother, if you weren't born of sin,"

Ariel snarled, "You're not my brother," 
Phobos smirked, "Damn right you aren't," He picked up Nataniel's broken spear and turned it into a diamond, "Your end, Ajax," He rose the spear, "Would be like your beginning; sad, unwanting yet so much happening, won't it?"

Ariel clenched his eyes tightly, "Jevelene," He spoke into his mind and Aphrodite heard him, "In my final breath, I say your holy name, my love. You..." Phobos brought the spear down, "You are my religion," The spear fell on Ariel's back, right where it could pierce his heart but the moment it touched his pale skin, it turned to ice and melted away into cold water,

"You are not his brother, but I am," Phobos turned and saw Nataniel's eyes glowing brightly. Ariel turned his neck and looked at Nataniel, "Nate..." His eyes were glowing blue and all the diamonds turned to ice, melting away. Ice shards rose up into the sky, and surrounded them. Nataniel's body rose up in the sky, and he closed his eyes, a snow storm covered them and the diamonds holding Ariel's body melted. Ariel fell on a soft blanket of snow, looking up at a mysterious white sky full of ice shards and snowflakes. 

He looked at Nataniel, whose body glowed like ice and his teeth turned sharp, his blue eyes looked down at Phobos, "You will not," He remembered Sylvester, "Hurt my family!" He remembered Beth,

The shards attacked Phobos at once and he screamed in agony as the snow storm shrunk down to him. Nataniel jumped down and all the ice under him shattered. Ariel looked at him, so omnipotently freezing, such that the entire forest miles away turned to ice, the animals, the plants, everything froze and Phobos disappeared into the snow, his screams echoing until they faded away.

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