7 3 Lori Cannot Communicate

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Akagi and Lict stood on the marble floor of the rose garden and looked at it, it was covered with scratches and dirt accumulated over years that couldn't be washed away anymore. Lict looked at Akagi, "This is where we can make a new Shire Towey, right?"
"Yeah, we have the base, as you said. It should work perfectly well. I just have one question, isn't beauty cursed or something? How would we get him?"

Lict looked down, "I was wondering about the same... First, we need to find him. Then, we can worry about his curse,"
Soon, a carriage stopped in front of the mansion and the coachman opened the door. Lict turned towards the gate, "Oh, they are here,"
Akagi and Lict walked towards the gate as the guests got down. One wore a black long coat with diamond buttons while the other wore a silver armour and a skirt. Akagi shook hands with him, "Welcome, Evgeni,"

Evgeni smiled and greeted him back, while Lict and Lobelia bowed. 
"I received your letter and I believe we have no time to waste. We must leave right now,"
"Yes, to the bronze gate,"  
Lobelia tried opening the portal, but it wouldn't open. She looked at Lict, he tried opening one, but it wouldn't, "What...Why?"
"We don't have time for asking why," Akagi turned towards the butlers, "Get four horses ready, we'll go by the difficult way then,"

They bowed and went away to prepare the horses. 

Evgeni was now 25, his voice was more profound. Suddenly, he coughed, "How have you been?" Akagi asked while Lobelia covered his mouth with a cotton cloth.
"Terribly in pain," He cleared his throat, "Waiting for my sickness to take me to my peace"
"Why didn't you marry yet?" Akagi asked.
Evgeni looked at him, "Why would I put someone through the anguish of tolerating my sickness?"

Akagi turned mellow, "Be a little selfish,"
Lori suddenly jumped at Evgeni, "Hello Mr Medvediva,"
Evgeni patted his head, "Hello, Lori"
The horses were ready and Lori looked at them, "Where's my horse?" 
"You are not coming, Lori," Akagi got on his horse.

"What? Why?!" Lori looked furious as he looked up at him while all the others began getting on their horses, "You need to take care of your mother, Lori. She is alone here,"
"She can come with us too,"
He looked at him, "Lori, it's an order,"

Lori looked down, "Why do I have to stay home protecting a woman?"
"Lori! She's your mother!"
"This is so unfair!" He ran inside the mansion while Akagi just looked at him and sighed. He shook his head and looked at Melissa, "Take care he doesn't do anything stupid,"
She smiled, "I will,"

Lict went ahead, "Follow me," 
They all went after him through the road.

Lori walked into his room and began packing his things. He pressed his compass and his boots inside his bag. Then, he put on his coat, "Unjust! Unjust! The universe needs my strength!"
The doll on his bed came to life, "What does that mean?"
"I heard what Lict told father, about some tower that fell and now everything is collapsing because of that," He moved away the grand piano, "This is the adventure I have been waiting for! Father dares to stop me from living my lifelong dream! I have understood it now... I HAVE TO LEAVE THIS PALACE, THEY WANT TO LOCK ME IN HERE!"
"Maybe you're reading too much into it," The doll said, "Master only wants your good, Lori"

"I know what my good is," He picked up his bag and opened the door. Melissa stood before him, "Where are you leaving to?" She asked with a smile.
"Mother, do not try to include me into your emotional words, for they cannot change my heart,"
He passed by her and Melissa just stared, "Mistress, aren't you going to stop him?" The doll asked. But it seemed as if Melissa couldn't hear her, only Lori could.

Lori jumped down the wall and made his way through the forest when suddenly, he saw an orange glow in the dark. He walked towards it and found the portal that Lict had used to get to Moscow. It was still there, hanging there on a tree's bark, in the woods. Lori tried passing through it but it was thick and difficult to penetrate. "Well," He bore his claws like a dragon and dug them into the portal, he dug it out and it feel like human flesh. He tore the portal open with his claws and looked across it.

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