5 2 Love Is Violence

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"Are you sure you want to leave?" Annelece stood before them as they turned to leave.
"Let me through," Ariel pushed him and walked ahead with Jevelene's hand in his, "I want to go back home,"
"Never thought you'd be such a coward, Sir Ariel," Adelaida said.

Ariel turned towards her, "What the hell do you mean?"
"You are leaving," She clenched her fist, remembering her brother's death, "You can't just leave. Mister Nataniel...Wasn't he your friend? Didn't you travel miles to get here, to Alkinshime? You can't turn back now! It would just mean that Mister Nataniel's sacrifice was in vain!" 

Annelece looked at her, standing tall before Ariel, questioning his morals and sense of justice, "I have made enough sacrifices for this journey. Dad told me to take care of Nataniel. He was my...He was little brother," Ariel looked down, "I couldn't save him. I can't protect the people I love,"

"You're running away..." She turned back and he looked at her tired back, too old for its age, "I looked up to you. You looked like a kind person, strong-willed, brave, upfront, but you're nothing like a demigod. You're just a spoiled demihuman with a sila,"

"I'm a spoiled demihuman with a sila? So what are you? A whining bitch who can't do shit by herself? Nigga, you don't even have a fuckin' sila just shut the fuck up!"
"Everything in this world exists for a reason," Adelaida said, "You're a demigod for a reason, Mister Ariel" Adelaida collected herself quickly, holding his golden hands with her white skinny fingers, "I, yet a mortal, am powerless before your divine deliberations. All I can do is ask for favours, lord demigod. Won't you do it for him as a tribute to his sacrifice?"

A prayer.

That evening, Ariel looked at the blue sun through the darkness as he sat at the melting lake. It had begun to snow and grow colder, his eyelashes were laden with tiny snowflakes and his skin was red and inflamed with the cold.
"It's the first time," Ariel whispered to himself, "It's the first time someone acknowledged me as a demigod and not a vessel of diluting disease,"

Jevelene walked down the slope, towards the lake and soon saw him sitting there, with a dark golden muffler around his neck, his face digging into it. The dried, leafless trees covered his fragile frame. He looked nothing like those Greek heroes she had read about in those ancient tales. He didn't look masculine. He wasn't tall or well built. In fact, his features, his arms, his face, were very soft and feminine and existed in a moment of eternity. That something told her he would always look the same even after hundreds of years, after she had been dead for long, he would still remain. Not because he was immortal, no demigod is, but because his very being beseeches the sense of abstraction, being afflicted with love and experiencing such a unique sense of sublimity that words could never capture. 

If he wasn't the most beautiful being she had ever seen, she wouldn't let language fail her. 

He turned to look at her as if he sensed her presence. She smiled at him but he didn't. And that scared her, "I'm scared of this relationship," She heard him say and looked down at the fallen leaves, yellow, dying under the snow. This sense of unnatural permanence seemed to fade away, his marks on her unravished skin

"I'm attached to you, and it's frightening because you are mortal. If I were to lose you, this oversaturating passion and ungratified love would end me as I live," 
She smiled, "Die, we must. Therefore we shall carve ourselves in immortality, away from the ravages of time, so that even if we die, our love continues to live in a child,"

Jevelene and Ariel sat on old tree bark, decaying in the woods under the snow. They looked at the lake covered with black fog, the water turned crimson from sirens' dead bodies floating over the surface, it had been a few hours since Nataniel was gone. She could smell the tears on the collars of Ariel's shirt, his mouth must taste like blood, "Adelaida acknowledges you," Jevelene decided to break the tension, "She prayed-"

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