Ghost of You (Colby's POV)

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So I drown it out
Like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you

I lay still on my bedroom floor. Watching the blades of my fan as it spins repeatedly. I turn my head to my bed, at the angle I'm at I can see right under it, and there lies a stash of alcohol.

Too young
Too dumb
Too young
Too dumb

Those four words circle my brain with no escape. I feel an ache in my chest, heartbreak filled with guilt, and I do the last thing she'd want me to do.

I stand up and walk toward my bed. I crouch down to grab a bottle of jack because why not?

I stare at the bottle, trying to stop myself from opening it. But those four words weigh on me, and I know they won't go away until I have that fiery liquid down my throat.


Flashes of Y/N's face cross my mind as I pop the cap.

"Colby please don't" her voice rings through my ears like she's actually here.

"I have to, because no matter what, I'm not good enough for you. I'll always fall short, that's why Shea cheated, because I wasn't good enough for her. You're so much better than her Y/N so I know I couldn't ever measure to what you deserve." A tear falls down my face as I finish my monologue to my empty room.

I lift the bottle up to my chapped lips, and taste the brown liquid. Sip after sip, I finally let go. That's until I see Y/N again.

"I thought you cared more about yourself colbs, but here you are."

So I drown it out
Like I always do

I grip the bottle and down the rest. I reach under my bed to get another one.

Too young
Too dumb
To know things like love

"I'm sorry" I cry out as I open the next bottle.

"Colby!!" I hear Y/N again but I look up to see Sam.

"What are you doing!!" He grabs the bottle from me.

"H-eyy ... give that backkk" he shakes his head.

"Colby every time something bad happens you can't just drink it away. When you sober up the problem will still be there."

"Not if I'm never sober again" I state staring at the ground.

"Colby I know you care about her, just tell her."

"I'm not good enough for her Sam!! Don't you see that!! That's why I'm on the floor drunk off my ass, because I can never be enough so why try!!" I throw the empty glass bottle beside me against my wall.

"What the hell colby!!" He runs toward me but Jake runs in and holds him back.

"Cut it out guys, Y/N is down stairs and you guys are about to kill each other!" I look up

"Y/N's downstairs..."

(A/N haven't updated in a while, sorry for the wait. Love y'all!! Comment and vote ✌️)

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