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*Erin's POV*

"Tell me where the rest of the people are hiding!" My skin burned when I came into contact with the ice cold water and the remaining ice cubes that had not yet melted.
"I didn't know..." I had to stop because my head was pushed back under the water.
"...what you want from me!" I swung my head to the right so my hair flew out of my face and I could look at the man who asked the question.
"Stop lying to me. Bitch." He slapped me and the man that was standing behind me with a hand in my neck dipped my head into the water again until I started fidgeting because I ran out of air.
"Lost chance. What are their names?" He had asked me a lot of different questions throughout the last our and I hadn't answered one because I simply didn't know the answers.
"Tick, Trick and Track." I spit in front of his feet and he took my neck over.
The man, of whom I didn't know a name, dipped me deeper and longer into the water.
Even when I started squirming, he showed no mercy, instead squeezing my neck tighter until I passed out from running out of air.

*Jay's POV*

They tossed Erin's lifeless body into the room.
"What did you do to her!" I screamed angrily at the men but couldn't get up because I was chained to the wall.
"She'll wake up in a while. And if not, then not." A man, probably the leader of the group shrugged and closed the door.
I heard the key locking us again and tried to reach Erin.
She hadn't moved since she was thrown on the floor and I couldn't exactly see if she was breathing because she was lying on her stomach.
I had slid down as far as I could and was now almost on the floor.
This position did hurt, but I was able to touch Erin's shoulder with my toes.
"Erin!" I kicked her gently because I didn't want to hurt her but she didn't react.
"Lindsay!" I kicked her shoulder and woke her up.
As soon as she sat up straight, she vomited and choked up all the water that she had apparently swallowed.
"It's alright. Just get it all out." I was trying to comfort her with words because I couldn't reach her.
"Sorry you needed to see that." Erin avoided looking into my eyes but I mentioned for her to come closer to me.
"It's alright. Seen worse before." She nodded and I saw that she was shaking.
"Come here. I'm gonna try to warm you up a little." Normally Erin would never have leaned against me like that, but I knew she was not okay with the whole situation, so she leaned against my chest and I put my arms around her, trying to warm her up a little.

*Antonio's POV*

"Detetive Dawson, this is Officer Ruzek."  I flashed my batch at the cashier.
"Umm okay. How may I help you?" The woman looked a bit overwhelmed and I managed to smile at her.
"We need to see your surveillance cameras." Ruzek looked at the women and she brought us to a room in the back.
"Alright Hank we got a positive on that Van. They were here a few hours ago and brought a few packs of ice cubes." I radioed after Adam and I stepped out of the gas station building.
"Copy. Can we get a facial off the video?" I couldn't hear the hope in Voight's voice and hated to break it to him.
"No. They guy was wearing a hoodie and cap. Avoided the cameras and all that." I answered him and could hear that he sighed.
Aright. Then just keep digging."

*Jay's POV*

"Erin? I know you're tired and cold but you can't go asleep just yet." I let Erin rest on my chest for a while, but I didn't want her to fall asleep and then maybe not wake up again.
"I know." She straightened up, got up, but stumbled.
"Keep it easy." I would have loved to support her, but I still hadn't found a way to get out of the cuffs, but then I had an idea.
"Lindsay?" She turned when I said her name and looked at me.
"Can you ge that pipe from over there and maybe we can break those iron rings?" I wiggled the chains a little to make her wake up to the sound.
"Yeah." She walked slowly over to the pole and brought it to me.
Nobody had cuffed her so she was able to just wander around in the room.
"Can you hit the chains with it?" I had moved on and Erin struck.
It took a few tries before she applied enough force and the rings broke.
"Good job." I took the pipe from her hand and smashed the other chain with one strike.
"Take this." I saw that Erin had started shaking again because her clothes and hair were still wet.
"No. Then you'll freeze." I took off my shirt and put it around her shoulders because it still had my body heat and she needed it more than I did.
"Can I sleep a little?" Lindsay asked me as if she was a small kid that needed to be brought into bed from her parents.
"Sure. But I'll wake you up once a while, okay?" We agreed that I would look out for her and she snuggled up to my bare chest and grabbed hold of my arm.
I tried to stay still so I wouldn't wake her.
Since joining the unit, I had had subliminal feelings for her but never brought it up for fear that I would be rejected, but mostly out of fear of Voight.
Now I had her in my arms, not because we were together, but out of the simple need to survive by warming each other.

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