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*Erin's POV*

"Erin?" Jay walked over to me.
"Sorry that I woke you up." I was sitting on the couch with my head in my hands.
"What's going on?" Jay sat down next to me and I started sobbing.
I hated that my emotions were going crazy and I felt weak.
"You... you were.." I swallowed and tried to hold back the tears.
"You were right and I lied to you." Jay raised an eyebrow.
"Something happened when I was in the room with the man. I told you that nothing happened but that was a lie.
He did... touch me." I saw the veins protrude on Jay's neck.
"Why didn't you say so?" There was nothing reproachful in his voice, he just wanted to know.
"I just couldn't. If I had told you what happened, I wound have believed it too. I also felt shabby." I didn't look at him because I was afraid of his reaction.
"There is no need to feel shabby. The guy did something horrible to you what you don't deserve." Jay put his hand lightly on my arm and I looked at him.
"I thought that if I said it, you'd be ashamed for me. Because I couldn't stop him." Jay's jaw dropped.
"No. Erin. No. Don't think about it this way. I will never be ashamed for you."A tear rolled down my cheek.
"You sure?" My voice was higher than normal because I was afraid that he would leave me after he had this new insight.
"Tottally sure." Jay gave me a warm smile and I snuggled up against him because it made me feel safe.

*Jay's POV*

"Daniel Ronald." I was leaning against the wall when two men brought him in.
"You?" He looked at me and laughed.
"Thanks guys, we're good here. I'll send you the money." The two nodded and then left us alone.
"At least uncuff me." Daniel's eyes sparkled angrily.
"How about no." I hit him on the nose with my fist and broke it.
"The hell? I didn't do anything to you!" The guy yelled and we both knew that wasn't true.
"Even if we forget that you hit me, you still did something to my partner." As soon as he understood what I was saying he started to smile, for which I hit him again right away.
"How did you find me anyways?" Getting hit didn't seem to bother him.
"Doesn't matter. You're here now." I had chosen an old factory to take revenge on him.
"You are such a classy man, Jay Halstead. Found me successfully and now you're avenging your little whore." Ronald's didn't seem scared at all.
Then it hit me that he was probably using the same way to get killed like I wanted to be by his guys but I didn't care and was happy to grant him this wish.
"If you call her that again, you wish you were never born." He didn't seem to care and he spat at my feet.
"The little one had experience, I can tell you. God she was good!" Daniel seemed really excited about dying, but I didn't want to make it that easy for him.
"Ouh really? Well good for you then." It hurt me that he was talking about Erin like that and I was motivating him too, but I wanted him to admit more of what he had done to us so that I could book him in jail longer.
"Honestly, what do you want from me? I can tell you in detail how it was, then you hit me again and so it goes on. Let's skip to the part where you shoot me." Daniel leaned against the wall that was near him.

"Where have you been?" Erin was already at the door when I got back late at night.
"I had to take care of something." I didn't look at her and just walked past her to grab a beer.
"That doesn't answer my question." Erin grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"I was outside." I'd been outside too, so it wasn't a lie.
"And why are your knuckles bloody?" Erin pointed to my hands.
"Doesn't matter." I turned away and knew that I had just broken something between us.
"Well then keep your secret." Erin took her things and left my apartment.

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