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*Jay's POV*

She was gone and it was my fault.
If I had given them what they wanted from the start, none of this would have happened.
I hit my fist against the brick wall until my knuckles were bloody.
"Hey crybaby." The leader of the group walked into the room but I didn't look at him.
"It feels good to know that I was the last one to have her." That was enough for me.
I jumped up and and started choking him.
Judging by his surprised expression, he must have assumed that I had been handcuffed.
The noises he made attracted his two henchmen.
The two began to pull on my body put I held tied to the guys throat because I wanted to get the revenge Erin wasn't able to get anymore.
His eyes protruded and he turned slightly bluish until the men manage to get me away from their boss.
"Make him regret it." One grabbed me and held me while the other punched me in the stomach.
I didn't even bother tensing my abs as I was enjoying the pain.
The fact that the smile on my face grew bigger the harder the one hit me seemed to confuse the men and he stopped.
"What is wrong with you? Do you want me to wrap chains around my fingers?" He suggested.
"Yes please. If you hit a little deeper, it'll hurt more." Now they looked at me puzzled.
"You're crazy." The one behind me let go of my arms, but I didn't because I had fought enough.
"Don't you want to run?" Now they both stood in front of me.
"No thanks. All good here. Could you maybe go on?" I pointed to my stomach and the bruises that were slowly beginning to form.
Instead of holding me tight or moving on, the two of them left and closed the door.
My plan for them to kill me on the spot hadn't worked.
I didn't care how much they hurt me because they had taken Erin from me, so I didn't care about anything now.
I even welcomed it when they hit me, because then I didn't have much time to think about the loss of Erin.
"Heard someone here doesn't care what is happening to him?" The boss was back with his gun, pointing it straight at my head.
"Do you finally shoot, or are you afraid that you won't score?" I tried to tease him so he would end it but I wasn't as manipulable as his guys.
"I'll give you a reason to cooperate." I raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"Your little girl." He said and I wasn't sure where he was going.
"She's alive. Barely. But alive. I have her one room down and she's getting medical care that she urgently needs if you tell me what you know." The guy smirked and I didn't know if I was relieved that Erin was still alive or if I should be even more concerned because she was suffering.
"Anything you want but help her." I didn't care if I was breaking a code of honor by saying names, all I could think of was Erin.
"It's repulsive how dependent you are on one another." He told me to sit down at the wall and so I did.
After I told him his name, his expression changed to a big smile.
"Now let me see her." I got up but he just smiled.
"Plot Twist. I have no idea where she is. One of my guys dumped her in some dumpster." He shrugged and left the room before I could reach him.

*Erin's POV*

"Your stats look good but I really need to have an IV started so we can hydrate you." A nurse was standing next to me.
"I haven't changed my mind. As long as nothing has been heard from my partner, I won't take anything." She nodded and left me.
I had made up my mind not to accept pain medication or anything like that because I had the ridiculous hope that Jay was still out there and I didn't want me to be so much better than him.
"Erin that is totally useless to not exept this. Jay would want you to feel as good as possible." Kim was sitting on a chair next to my bed.
"Don't talk about him like he is dead." I snapped back because I didn't want to exept that he was gone.
"I'll be back in a bit." Kim got up and left the room as there was nothing she could tell me.
He was on my mind all the time.
His watery-green eyes.
His freckled face and arms.
His brown hair and just everything about him.
The thought only occurred to me when it was already too late.
"Jay. I think you were the one I loved." Speaking in the past tense brought tears to my eyes.

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