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*Hank's POV*

"Did looking at those cameras lead us to something?" I was pretty mich out of it because it been almost 48 hours since Erin and Jay went missing and we had no lead.
"We only know that they are still using the same car that the woman said was speeding away from the scene." Atwater shrugged his shoulders.
"And they didn't get any gas. Just the ice cubes so they must still be in the city." Antonio added and I sighed.
"Well then let's get patrol out there. They should turn every stone in a three kilometer radius around the gas station until we have find something." I walked back into my office and hit my desk because I was so angry that I wasn't able to do mire than this till I got an idea.
"If anything comes up you listen to Antonio. Al you're with me." Olinsky got up and grabbed his jacked and then we got to my car.
"So what's the plan?" Alvin didn't doubt me but just wanted to know.
"We're gonna pay some guys a visit." He nodded and I drove to a street corner where I knew some guys owing me a favour.
As soon as they saw me getting out of the car one started running.
So I drew my gun and shot him in the leg.
"What the hell man!" The young dealer got upset, but I picked him up and pressed him against the wall.
"Shut up and listen." When he didn't nod or anything I slapped him so he knew I wasn't here to joke around.
"Two of my detectives have been kidnapped. Do the names Lindsay or Halstead tell you something?" I pressed my knee against the gunshot wound and he groaned.
"Never heard the first one. But I still heard the second one today." He said and I loosened my grip.
"In which context?" I pressed a little tighter on his leg and saw tears in his eyes.
"I can't remember. But I'll find out." He quickly added because he was concerned for his safety.
"If you know, I'll be the first to tell." I made sure he understood me.
"Yes." He sagged when I let go of him.

*Erin's POV*

"Lindsay." Jay shook my shoulder but I didn't react.
"Lindsay! You have to get up." Halstead didn't stop and I was getting too uncomfortable to keep my eyes closed so I got up.
"You see, it works." He smiled at me, but I saw that his whole torso was covered with goose bumps and he was shaking a little.
"Why didn't you say something the several times you woke me?" That I could be mad at him made me a little more awake and I assumed that was part of his plan.
"Here." I took off his shirt and gave it back to him.
"Thanks." Jay gave me a brief smile, but then quickly pulled the shirt on.
"There coming back." I heard footsteps outside the door.
"I got it." Jay stood behind the door, the pipe in hand which we had broken the chains with.
"Act asleep." He looked over at me and I dropped to the floor and closed my eyes.
As soon as the door was open I heard a thud and then it was quiet.
I looked up just to see a guy approach Halstead with a taser in his hand.
"Jay!" I wanted to warn him but then he was on the ground already, squirming, because the guy relentlessly pressed the taser into his side.
"Stop! Don't you see that you hurt him!" I called out and made the man stop.
However, I hadn't considered that his full attention was now on me.
"Want some too?" He flashed the wire of the taser invitingly.
My eyes widened and I tried to get up quickly, but couldn't, which seemed to please the man tremendously.

*Adam's POV*

"Word on the street is that someone is hunting down Halstead and apparently did succeed." I came running up the stairs after meeting Voights CI in front of the district.
"And what do they want him for?" Voight came up to me.
"Some old ranger mission. The brother from the guy that his hunting him down got shot deadly by Jay back in Afghanistan and this is him getting revenge. So if the people got Erin, then she just got in the way and they don't really want her." I explained and saw a little relief on Voight's face that Erin wasn't the main target.

*Jay's POV*

When I looked up I saw Erin crouched down in an edge, a guy leaning over her.
I got up quietly, snuck up from behind and pulled my knee from behind up between his legs, which made him scream out loud and he went to the ground.
"Did he hurt you?" Erin looked shook up but nodded.
"Let go of her, you bastard." I spun around and saw a gun pointed to my face.
"You did it like this, didn't you? He should look at you and then you pulled the trigger." The man moved his finger to the trigger and I saw that safety wasn't on.
When he saw that I wasn't following him he laughed dirty.
"Jake Ronald." His eyes went ice cold and then I knew who he was and why he had us here.
It had to be Jake's older brother.
"You want me so please let her go." I stood in front of Erin so he couldn't hurt her.
"She's your weak point." The guy smirked and pulled the trigger.
The bullet hit my shoulder and I went down, making Erin within his reach.
"Take her." He ordered and one of the guys that I had overwhelmed got up and took her.
Erin screamed and struggled, but she had barely any strength left.
"You son of a bitch! Let her out of it!" I yelled as loud as I could but no one came back.

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