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*Jay's POV*

Erin and I were sitting in my car when we heard Adam over the radio.
"Patrol picked up the green Mustang. I don't know if your guys are just not the brightest, or if they did it on purpose, because they both still had their ski masks on and didn't bother to drive away or anything." Ruzek informed us abd we drove to the district where there men were.
"Hello there." Erin and I went down the stairs to the cage where the driver was tied up inside.
"So why did you try to kill us?" I leaned against the grille.
"Because that son of a bitch over there beat up my boss!" The man tried to get up but couldn't because of the handcuffs.
"I know." Erin shrugged her shoulders.
"But you are the ones who then killed him." I raised an eyebrow and was looked at in confusion.
"No. We saved him from you. It was quite an act to get that patrol car but we made it to save him." I had no idea what he was talking about.
"But you are aware if the fact that Ronald's is dead?" When Erin said that, our man winced.
"No way. He is with his family." He didn't believe a word we said until I showed him the photos of the body.
"If you didn't kill him, who was it?" I hoped that he would just say it because it was quite late in the evening and I really didn't feel like standing here forever.
"His family. It must have been them." He looked at us in shock and we left.

*Erin's POV*

"He told us that it was Ronald's family." I walked up to Hank, who was the only one of the unit that was still here.
"And you believe him?" Hank raised an eyebrow.
"Totally. The look on that guy's face when we showed him the pictures was pure horror." Jay supported my statement.
"Alright. I'll have Jin locate the family and send you the address." Voight fired us and we went to the cars to go home.
I just walked over to my car and Jay to his so I figured that we wouldn't stay with each other the night.
But I would also have been offended if someone had accused me of murder.
When I sat on my couch and had the TV on, there was a knock on the door.
"Hey there." Jay brought some food and grinned at me.
"Is from my last victim." Jay swayed the bag and I rolled my eyes but laughed.
"Come in you jerk." I closed the door behind him before someone heard the stuff he was saying.
We ate in silence and then sat down on the couch.
"No cuddling today?" Jay was sitting down so I could lean against his chest, but I hadn't done it yet.
"Yes, but I really want to apologize to you first. I should have known you would never have killed the man. There was no reason for it." I looked down so our eyes didn't meet.
"Don't do that. There is no reason to apologise. I'm not mad at you." Jay pulled me closer and gave me a kiss onto the forehead.
"You sure?" I looked up and he nodded.
I snuggled up to him and we sat in silence for a while.
"There's a reason I would have killed him for." I looked up to Jay.
"And that would be?" I had a feeling where this was going but I wanted to know.
"You." Jay put his arms tighter around me and I thought that he didn't even notice.
"You would kill for me?" I didn't know whether to feel honored or scared.
Jay noticed how that sounded and chuckled.
"If necessary." He leaned over and kissed me.

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