coming up for air

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Stella Donahue is in dire need of a fresh start.

A break. Away from the college town that's shunned her, away from the place she once called home.

Her salvation comes in the shape of an old family friend's lake house and the promise of a summer all to herself. Not to forgive. Probably not to forget – no matter how hard she tries. But to continue to heal.

The surprise comes in the shape of Jacob Wilson.

Suddenly, with her somewhat estranged childhood friend living down the hall, Stella's summer of solitude becomes anything but.

Though, maybe, reconnecting with Jake is exactly what she needs.

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Well this is unexpected. I've had Stella's and Jake's story on my mind for a few years now but never did I think it'd be the next one I'd write. Sometimes, however, intentions make themselves clear and I just couldn't ignore the voice in my head chanting 'write it, write it, write it,' – meaning I am here to bring you (& me!) yet another summer romance.

Though this is a spin-off of Wrong Quarterback (through Jake!), Coming Up For Air can absolutely be read as a standalone. Do note this one has jumped a few years ahead from where the last one left off.

Also know that this story deals with themes of past sexual assault. While the sexual assault in itself will not be recounted, references to that time and lasting trauma will appear throughout. 

When it all comes to it – despite its various serious themes – this is a story about finding that one person who'll provide you solace and you'll do the same for them in return. Someone you know is on your side, and who's side you're always on. Of having a best friend in a lover. Of finding true love. And I promise you plenty of sweet moments among the difficult ones.

I am so very excited to breathe life into this one.

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Copyright © 2019. Copyright © 2021 Linn W. Eklund/-linnwrites. All rights reserved.

this is a work of fiction, all characters and events are fictional and similarities to real events, people or other fictional stories are simply coincidental.

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