24 | trial de novo

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"So," Faye says as soon as they step out of the courthouse, pausing atop the wide gray stone staircase. She twists her hair up in a knot that leaves her neck bare, turning to look at the others. "What now?"

"Now," Kelly says, glancing back over her shoulder as her team of lawyers step through the doors as well—nodding at them in recognition as they trot by and down the stairs, leather briefcases in tow. "We wait. And tomorrow, hopefully: we'll know."

Faye clenches her jaw, her manicured fingers coming up to fidget with the collar of her white blouse. Looking as if she has something to say, she parts her lips only to press them shut again just as a black town car whizzes by, blaring its horn at someone crossing the street.

Hugging an arm around Faye's shoulders, Andrea shoots her a small smile. "Well, we can't stand around here all day; let's get going. What do you say we all have dinner? I'll cook."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Kelly agrees, pulling a hand through her short bob as her gaze flickers to where Stella's stood next to Jake. "Let's all go home."

Stella wrenches her hands together, forcing an exhale through her tight chest. "Actually," She says, cheeks sucked in as she smooths a clammy palm over the fabric of her denims. "I would like some coffee."

Kelly casts a skeptic glance at the delicate gold watch adorning her slim wrist. "Now?"

"Yeah," Stella's gaze flickers sideways to Jake, the faintest twitch to her lips as she realizes he's already watching her. "You want some coffee?"

He gives her a quick nod, brows slightly etched together in an expression she cannot quite read. "Yeah, okay."

Stella, nodding as well, lets another shaky breath out her lips. "We'll meet you back home then?"

Faye's lips thin into a line, her gaze darting to the sidewalk below. "There's a coffee cart right there."

A breeze passes them by, carrying with it a fresh scent telling them all she's right. "I don't want that coffee."

"What's the difference?" Faye lets out a chortled breath of disbelief. "Coffee is coffee."

Andrea shoots Faye a look before finding Stella's gaze, something reminiscent of concern flickering over her features before she wraps her arm closer around Faye's shoulders.

"Come on," She says. "You can help me with the potatoes—let's let your sister make her own decisions," To Stella and Jake, eyebrows raised, she simply asks, "See you at home?"

Stella nods once before turning to Jake—ignoring Faye opening her mouth in protest—, already steering her way down the steps. "This way."

Despite the faint coastal winds sweeping through the streets, the humid August warmth hangs in the air and as they turn the corner onto the next street, Stella senses a headache brewing. The late afternoon sun seems almost too harsh as its rays bounces between the buildings.

Jake wraps his arm around her shoulders, thumbing gently at her collarbone. His breath tickles her ear as his lips brush over her temple. "You okay?"

Stella speaks through the tightness consuming her chest. Her shoulders. Her ribcage. Her throat. "Yeah," She lets the corners of her lips lift once. "Just a bit tired, is all."

Pulling the glass door open to a coffee shop, she's instantly welcomed by its familiar decor: the brown plush leather chairs a staple across all of its thousands franchises all over the globe. The sweet scent of freshly baked pastries linger in the air, circulating around the room alongside the loops of the AC.

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