27 | two a.m.

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Yanked out of her sleep, Stella—eyes wide open—stares up into the ceiling.

 The night paints Jake's bedroom in a soft gray-ish glow, white moonlight slipping through the crack of the drawn together curtains.

Her chest rises and falls with her breaths, palms clammy as she balls her hands into fists and then sprawls her fingers, stretching them out above her. Swallowing, she shakes her head at herself, not bothering to dig deeper into her already fuzzy memories of what woke her up in the first place.

She lets out a ragged exhale—her airways still struggling against the lingering traces of her cold—and rolls over onto her side, lips instantly curling into a small smile as she notices how peaceful Jake looks, asleep, right here next to her. His mouth rests in a small pout, brows slightly drawn together, his black curls seeming even darker against the light shade of the pillowcase.

Carefully, pressing her lips together, Stella reaches out and brushes a dark lash away from where it lingers on his cheek before scooting a little bit closer, instantly enveloped by Jake's warmth. Then, she pillows her melted-together palms underneath her cheek and tucks her chin closer to her chest.

She's only just closed her eyes—ignoring the way her heartbeat's begun to quicken from the flickering images of her previous dreams—as Jake's breath tickles her skin.

Then, a sleepy rasp to his voice, he asks, "Everything okay?"

 Letting out a chortled breath, Stella's lips widen into a smile, warming her cheeks.

She bats her eyes open, finding Jake's dark gaze mere inches away. Faint concern passes over his features as his eyes flicker over her face, but as she nods, he relaxes—smiling as well.

"Yeah; everything's great,"

And it is. Especially here, next to Jake, it is.

Stella scoots closer, lifting her head to let it rest against Jake's shoulder. Then, speaking into the warm crook of his neck, she asks, "Can we go back to the splashing cove before we leave?"

She senses Jake's widening smile as he brushes his lips over her temple, speaking softly. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Okay," Stella closes her eyes again; the beat of her heart slows into a peaceful, steady rhythm as she quells a small yawn. "Good."

Jake presses a light kiss to her head, and soon, she drifts back to sleep.

. . . 

yes this is short. but it needed to be. not a long way to go now!! iiih 

much love, 


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