author's note + acknowledgments

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You know how parents always claim they don't have a favorite child because they carry enough love—and different kinds of love—for each their children in their heart? Actually, maybe that's not a thing parents say but for now, we'll say it is, because until a short while ago I didn't know what that was like. Now though, I do.

Coming Up For Air is no doubt a story I love in a way I've never loved anything else. Still, it doesn't take away from the love I hold for other things I've written—they can't compare to one another, or compete with one another, because they're entirely different kinds of love.

Oh. I need a moment; my heart is beating so hard. As I'm sat writing this I just (as in about 30 minutes ago) wrote the final words of the epilogue to the background tune of long story short by—the one and only—ms Taylor Swift and though my hands aren't quite shaking—like they did when I finished writing Wrong Quarterback—my joy is a little bit all over the place.

And so, because I just finished writing this thing I've poured so much of time and me into, I'm going to allow myself to be all emotional about it and take this chance to say THANK YOU.

Thank you to you: the reader—who's been here alongside me on this journey, cheering me on. I've said many times before that first and foremost I write for me and myself (I'm pretty sure my brain would explode if I didn't tap away at that keyboard most of the time) but it is more encouraging than you could ever know to step into this small community we've built here in Linn-land (yes, this is officially a thing) and just be enveloped by the friendly atmosphere. So, thank you.

Thank you to the old readers who've come with me from work to work—putting your faith in me to tell you stories you want to hear, that you'll enjoy.

To the new readers, who've found me through Coming Up For Air, thank you for taking a chance on me.

To my friends, who are the most supportive people I've ever met in this world. Thank you for keeping up with my ramblings about writing and everything else in this world. I love every single one of you—so much.

To me. I'm proud of you.

And then finally, to Julia, who's everything I could ever ask for in a sister. You are, without a doubt, the greatest love of my life.

Again, thank you.

Much love. Yours always,


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